
Para Brahman (Sanskrit: परब्रह्मन्) is the “Highest Brahman” that which is beyond all descriptions and conceptualizations. It is described in Hindu texts as the formless (in the sense that it is devoid of Maya) spirit (soul) that eternally pervades everything, everywhere in the universe and whatever is beyond.

Hindus conceptualize the Para Brahman in diverse ways. In the Advaita Vedanta tradition, Nirguna Brahman (Brahman without qualities) is Para Brahman. In other Vedanta traditions, it is Saguna Brahman (Brahman with qualities). In Vaishnavism, Shaivism and Shaktism  Adi Narayana, Adi Shiva and Adi Shakti respectively are Para Brahman.

ParaBrahman website is all about that which is impossible to express in words.

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