Arising of the inner sun

Karl Renz: This direction is “I am who?” is always out. Then comes whatever master or someone who tells you: ask yourself “Who am I?”.  And then comes this no answer, that absolute no answer of that question. So it’s always direction then within is like the direction to that mystery. And maybe by that question all your concepts of your relative existence dry out or gets annihilated.

Because that question of “Who am I?” – is like an infinite now, becomes your nature. That direction is within to that mystery, to that what is a source of whatever can be known and not known. And by that infinite no answer you get lost in that. You cannot grab anything, never understanding or deep insight as an answer is there. There is no answer. And in this no answer something is totally relaxing in a way.

But for that I or I am, this body, this becomes hell. So that is called that arising of that inner sun of that awareness of being prior becomes the holocaust for that idea of separation. So the devil me which is a master of separation, being an arrogant separate god and knows always better than existence how existence has to be, by that awareness alone which is grace becomes aware about that what is grace, it gets annihilated. As it was never there.

As it is simply seeing as a phantom and not real. So by seeing the false as false, it’s gone. As it was never there. So it’s a totally distraction, is not to get rid of it, is simply becoming aware of that what is awareness which is prior to all even awareness. And then there is this carelessness because there is no caretaker anymore. That is called peace or silence.

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