Be happy that you don’t need to be happy

Question: The objective world doesn’t exist?

Karl Renz: This world? I have no idea.

Question: You see it but…

Karl Renz: But I have no idea if it’s real or not real. I only know if it’s real – I cannot get rid of it. If it’s not real – I don’t have to. So in both cases I can be quiet. In both cases I cannot do anything. If it’s real – I cannot get rid of it. If it’s not real – I don’t have to. So you cannot get rid of anything. So just be quiet. Because there is nothing to do.

Question: Keep doing things…

Karl Renz: Things are been done. It’s already done. I would say totality is doing everything. The next moment takes care about itself. Don’t worry. Or worry and be happy anyway. Let the worries take worry about themselves. Not to worry is too much work. So I don’t want to make an advantage. Worry and be happy. But be happy that you don’t need to be happy.

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