Anandamayi Ma: All this, which is His creation, is under His dispensation, in His Presence, and is verily He Himself. In whatever state He keeps anyone at any time, it is all for the good, for verily everything is ordained by Him, and is of Him. Continue reading “In Him is everything”
Category: Advaita
What you are is never-never
Question: The thing I was trying to get from you – which I haven’t succeeded in getting yet is – was it, a one-time event? I know there’s no such thing as time, but time does seem to continue.
Karl Renz: No, no. This – to be That to which nothing ever happens – was never different. In That, there is no coming and going. So it’s here, now or never.
This world is meant only for creating faith in you
Ramana Maharshi: Practice with faith during the period of ignorance is called bhakti; the same, with knowledge is called jnana. Of the two divisions of bhakti, the one is worship of God with name and form, and the other is karma which is love shown (equally) in all worldly affairs. Of the two divisions of jnana, the practice of the true way shown by the Master is called yoga and the resulting state is called jnana.
Continue reading “This world is meant only for creating faith in you”
Giving one’s self up to God
Question: Of the devotees, who is the greatest?
Ramana Maharshi: He who gives himself up to the Self that is God is the most excellent devotee. Giving one’s self up to God means remaining constantly in the Self without giving room for the rise of any thoughts other than that of the Self.
Whatever burdens are thrown on God, He bears them. Continue reading “Giving one’s self up to God”
I want to survive
Karl Renz: You will never, by free will, hit the tree of existence. You always need a driving license to miss it. It is like that. That’s the functioning of the separate object and the survival system which is simply running as, “I want to survive.” So you want to become immortal and by wanting to become immortal, you avoid death. You meditate on immortality, what you want to become. So you will never make the final killing that is needed – the Kali head-chopping business. Continue reading “I want to survive”
Karl Renz: Demons. The only demon I know it is a me. That is Presence, the demon is there, the me. It’s a paper dragon, come on. Cannot do anything. Many have this idea: you have to kill the dragon inside, the ego like a dragon. You have to become like Roland from Bremen, then you are untouchable – you have this armor around you, like a screen you cannot penetrate. But if there is one part, one little thing, there is a leaf, and then comes ouuu, so no way out.
But it’s only the paper dragon, come on. It spits the fire which cannot touch you. Continue reading “Demons”
Question: What about the dream state?
Karl Renz: Here. Here. This is dream state.
Question: No, what we normally call the dream state?
Karl Renz: This is dream state. I am not normally here. This is dream state. You think I am normal? Don’t say we. What you call dream state. At night when you dream, what is then? You think that dream state is different than this state?
Question: What is the difference?
Karl Renz: No difference. This will be gone and that is gone. That what happened last night will be gone and this will be gone too. So it cannot be Reality because it is sometimes and it is gone. It’s like this life or this whatever experience. That is why it’s called dream state. That what is not dream or that what is Reality cannot be sometimes and sometimes not. So whatever has a beginning and an end is a dream state.
So your life now is a dream experience. Mahendra’s life being born and then dying is just a dream. The Merry-go-round. What a dream. So no difference of the night dream or this day dream. It’s both dream. You have nothing to gain here and you have nothing to gain in the dream. As you have nothing to lose here, as you have nothing to lose at night in your night dream. You are always happy when you wake up from it in the morning. It was maybe a nightmare. So but all nightmares and good dreams are ending. And be happy about it that is just a dream. Nothing ever happened to you. So many dreams. What else? Continue reading “Dream”
Finally you are He
Question: Do we forget the body before point Zero or after?
Ranjit Maharaj: Point Zero is forgetting the body! Nothing else. When you say, “I am not the body.” Then you are what you are. You will be in Zero. Come on. Due to ignorance, body, mind and ego have come. Understand, they are not true and you are He. Then if you ask me about experience, I say, no question of experience comes now. What experience do you want? Tell me? Forget yourself that is Self. For whom you say, “I am.” Forget that. Then you are He.
“I” comes from Zero. Nothing else. So that is the Zero point. If you go beyond the Zero point, you are He. Which is Zero, which is nothing, what to forget and what to remember? Tell me. You go beyond Zero now. That is the main thing. It is a sacred path. Understanding is a sacred path. Nothing else. “I am not the Zero also!” Then what you are? Something there remains. Finally you are He. Continue reading “Finally you are He”
The fountain of joy
Anandamayi Ma: He is the fountain of joy – joy and joy alone is His Being.
A state exists in which there is only bliss, beatitude, supreme felicity.
At your level, joy has its opposite; you speak of the joys of heaven and the torments of hell. Continue reading “The fountain of joy”
Pure happiness
Question: H. W. L. Poonja said: “Beyond the words you are, be simply that”.
Karl Renz: I will add… “because you cannot be otherwise”. For That you don’t need to do anything, not even to be beyond, which can still be a desire. But you are what you are with desire or without desire. Whether you are stupid or intelligent you cannot lose this absolute knowledge, because you are That, whether you like it or not. You play stupid, that’s all.