Karl Renz: It’s a total demand of Totality. And you cannot resist.
Question: That’s nice.
Karl Renz: Yeah. That’s the way it is. It’s peace. It’s always the total demand of Totality, that the next moment has to be as the next moment already is. And whatever gives you the energy which can lift your eyelid – it’s the same energy who is make the world turn. So there is no separation in it. It’s just Totality living itself in all these differences. And there is no one who is drawn to something. It’s just moment by moment Life living itself in that way.
And that’s there is actually, maybe if you are honest, no place of judgement, judging it. Just as it is. Or already is. And because of that, this has to be whatever. The movie is shot and nothing has to be and can be changed in it. So just you can relax totally, absolute relax and just be witness of your own movie which is already finished.
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