What is there to let go?

Question: So no one can choose?

Karl Renz: There was never any chooser. There is no guilt in anything. You cannot blame anyone for anything. Because no one ever did anything. No Hitler, no anyone, no Charles Manson, no you.

Question: So dying doesn’t change anything?

Karl Renz: No. Yeah, there will be a change of bodies.

Question: Dying before that…

Karl Renz: No, it’s all esoteric, it’s all the imaginary advantage. That you already experiencing dying. And then when dying really happens, that you can let go. But what do let go? What is there to let go?

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The light which is eternal can never be extinguished

Anandamayi Ma: The delight in the things of this world, in sense objects is fleeting indeed. It does not last. It is impermanent. But where God and God alone stands revealed, there is no such thing as impermanence. Your attention is directed towards the world, not towards the eternal. You are identified with that which is transient in constant flux. What is revealed thereby? The perishable. In the perishable there is no self-revelation. How can Reality, true being be in that?

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You believe that you are born

Karl Renz: This presence has to stay in presence. And that what is absence has to be absence. But what you are is neither presence or absence. Isn’t it fantastic? You are in the presence and you are in the absence. You are absolutely independent of whatever you can imagine. But still you have to experience the presence, you cannot stop it. Uncontrollable. So what to do?

Question: Why this body can commit the suicide?

Karl Renz: No, I think for me the only suicide is the moment you identified with the body, then you committed suicide. You kill your infinite self by believing in your temporary limited body. That is self-suicide. People who kill the body – that’s not suicide. That is just getting rid of something. But the real suicide is that you believe that you are born. That is suicide. Believing that you are something what is born. That is suicide. By that you kill yourself. If that is your reality – to be born, having a body, having a life which has beginning and end. That’s the real suicide. By that you kill yourself. And any moment that is your reality, you are dead. You die into some cemetery of a tombstone who is already dead. So whatever life who believes to be born is dead.

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It’s unbearable not to be Shiva

Karl Renz: Awakened ones and non-awakened ones, where do they exist? Only in a dream of phantoms, in this shadow world of dream. There are awakened shadows and non-awakened shadows. And awakened ones need non-awakened ones, because otherwise they would not be special. So it’s like an agreement. You play the non-awakened one and I play the awakened one, and then we have a party, because without parts… I play my part, you play your part, so just for fun.

Just for fun I am unenlightened today. So you pretend not to know yourself, not to know what you are just for fun. But after a while the fun becomes serious, then you are in trouble. It’s like Shiva plays with the puppets just for fun, with this so called creation. He plays with this creation, but after a while he forgets that he was not even the creator. Then he forgets himself, to be That what is never part of creation or creator or anything.

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Not one dot

Karl Renz: Could the chair decide if I sit today on it or not? How can object in time decide anything? Did that answer answer your question? It’s exactly what Krishna told Arjuna, what I just said. Krishna told Arjuna that even he – the architect of all the universes, all what can be created, he cannot change his own creation.

Because the war already happened from the beginning. You cannot avoid what is already created, what is already done. He had to go and fight, because it already happened. You cannot avoid anything of your so called destiny or fate, because everything what can happen already happened. The movie is shot. It’s already finished. You cannot change anything. That is Krishna telling Arjuna that even he – the almighty, the almighty creator, the architect of everything, cannot change his own creation. Not one dot, he cannot change one little action. So Arjuna had to go and kill, because they are all dead anyway already.

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Сasual conversation with God

ABOUT ANANDAMAYI MA, from memories of Swami Mangalananda

Once, I witnessed an event that might seem insignificant but had a wonderful charm to it. In the dead of night, we were waiting on a railroad platform in a small town in Uttar Pradesh. There was just a small group of us with Ma, and someone brought a chair out and placed it on the platform for Ma to sit on. I saw that sitting right next to the chair was a little village woman, squatting on her luggage. Ma leaned towards her and started a friendly conversation.

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The Self is methodless

Ranjit Maharaj: Everybody has got different meditation idea. Same way, teachers also got different ways to teach. So the only one thing can be told – if you understand that “my mind”, “my ego”, “my body”, every other things are all illusion. But main thing is my body that is also completely illusion. If you understand, then it can be called a method, otherwise not. There is no method for understanding the Reality. Why no method? Because the Self is methodless.

Here the only method is thinking, nothing else. By thinking wrong thoughts, ignorance has come. Otherwise, Reality is so open, there is nothing to do for attaining that. There method cannot stay. Method doesn’t stay. There is no method.

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Arising of the inner sun

Karl Renz: This direction is “I am who?” is always out. Then comes whatever master or someone who tells you: ask yourself “Who am I?”.  And then comes this no answer, that absolute no answer of that question. So it’s always direction then within is like the direction to that mystery. And maybe by that question all your concepts of your relative existence dry out or gets annihilated.

Because that question of “Who am I?” – is like an infinite now, becomes your nature. That direction is within to that mystery, to that what is a source of whatever can be known and not known. And by that infinite no answer you get lost in that. You cannot grab anything, never understanding or deep insight as an answer is there. There is no answer. And in this no answer something is totally relaxing in a way.

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Longing for yourself

Karl Renz: When sadhana starts is the end of honeymoon. Then it shows if it’s really real, that you are longing for yourself or if it’s just playing. I think 99% are just playing with it, is not so extreme. It’s very rare that that longing for yourself is so intense that you burn out everything. That you just go for it, never minding anything, without any hesitating and without any whatever – not caring about your body, not caring about your family, not caring about the world, only that counts is very rare. Very very rare. But if it’s meant to happen, it’s there. But you cannot fake it. Or you can fake it for a while but not for long.

So that’s why I say – it has to be 24/7, it cannot be just for – “Oh, it’s nice to seek myself. I am a seeker for truth. And then we meet together and have a good time, having sangha or something, making party and having a guru together, and a bit singing or something, and feeling good together.” Sounds all good. But that’s not 24/7 longing and burning. So it’s easy to find gurus but it’s much harder to find good disciples or really Shiva lovers, who love Shiva more then even themself. That’s why in Tiru there are only 63 these sidhas. So 63 out of all the time. They are hanging around the mountain who made it – dissolving into themself, into Shiva. So their love for Shiva was stronger then for themself. Then they have become sidhas.

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It’s absolute possible

Karl Renz: Now we are all curious that you tell us what you want. What do you want?

Question: To be in peace in life.

Karl Renz: But it’s the easiest if you are just what you are there is peace unlimited. There is no second. There is peace, there is nothing but peace, come on. So don’t tell me it’s not possible. Even to know yourself is possible by being what you are. You know yourself by being what you are. So it’s absolute possible. It’s the most easy to know yourself as what you are. Of course, by being what you are you know yourself. You are That. And by that you know it absolutely by heart and not by whatever second-hand information.

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