Question: What is meant by transcending?
Karl Renz: Transcending cannot be done by anyone. It’s not a doing. It’s just being what you cannot not be – what is prior, during and beyond all what can be imagined. So your very nature, your natural state. Your nature has no likes and dislikes. And your natural state would be neither having or not having anything.
Question: Why do we misunderstand?
Karl Renz: It has to be misunderstood, because you take it personal. How else can you take it? You want to make an advantage out of it. But it’s not an advantage, so it’s not for this relative me. Because relative me wants only the advantage of having no disadvantage, and only having the advantages. But this is an absolute advantage you cannot have. No one survives in that advantage, in that absolute advantage that you don’t need any advantage – there is no me. So it’s not for you. You live by tendencies, you live by that – having or not having. You cannot even survive in not having any tendency.