An outburst of love

Question: Karl, did anything change in your art after this event that never happened?

Karl Renz: Yeah, it was changed. Before, there was this “wisdom of emptiness” thing, totally, and every painting was black. There were simply black paintings and black sculptures. Everything was black. Emptiness! Black!

And then there was an outburst of this “thing”. You go to the emptiness and you get totally empty of an idea and then, when you are absolutely empty, fullness comes. Totally. In that moment, total emptiness becomes fullness. That’s like what they call “an outburst of love”. When you reach an extreme point of emptiness, of wisdom, the fullness can come. Because the emptiness of Heart contains the fullness of existence.

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What is meant by transcending?

Question: What is meant by transcending?

Karl Renz: Transcending cannot be done by anyone. It’s not a doing. It’s just being what you cannot not be – what is prior, during and beyond all what can be imagined. So your very nature, your natural state. Your nature has no likes and dislikes. And your natural state would be neither having or not having anything.

Question: Why do we misunderstand?

Karl Renz: It has to be misunderstood, because you take it personal. How else can you take it? You want to make an advantage out of it. But it’s not an advantage, so it’s not for this relative me. Because relative me wants only the advantage of having no disadvantage, and only having the advantages. But this is an absolute advantage you cannot have. No one survives in that advantage, in that absolute advantage that you don’t need any advantage – there is no me. So it’s not for you. You live by tendencies, you live by that – having or not having. You cannot even survive in not having any tendency.

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Dream becomes happiness to you

Ranjit Maharaj: Forget yourself, “I am not the woman”, or not the man, or not the body, or not the name. In this way, forget and you are everywhere. He acts as the body is there, actions are sure to happen. But say -” It is not true.”

So this is nothing, but a long dream. Nobody is bad and nobody is good. Everybody is He! If you understand, then dream becomes happiness to you.

That is the point, and nothing else here. Once understand yourself. “I don’t exist.”

No understanding, no clarity, no freedom, no realization

Question: So, I want to ask you, what advice would you give to the sincere seeker, who devotes his or her live to the pursuit of enlightenment? What advice, what would you say?

Karl Renz: Don’t listen to anybody, not even to yourself. Because all you can perceive is not what you are. All you can understand, you can forget already. And that what can get clear is not what you are.

Question: No understanding, no clarity.

Karl Renz: No freedom.

Question: No realization.

Karl Renz: See that That what you are is perfect as it is. And that what is an idea of imperfection is merely an idea in time. It cannot touch That what is Perfection itself.

What is your preference?

Question: Yes, nothing works. Because wherever I stay, the mind is always suffering or screaming, or not happy with anything.

Karl Renz: That is the nature of the mind.  It always creates – the other shore is better than this shore. This shore is greener than this one. It’s like you make it always – the other side is better than there. If you reach the other side, then you look back and then you think – Oh, it was not so bad before on the other side, so I better go back. You are always restless. That’s called mind. But what to do with it. It’s just the nature of restless phantom, always looking for something was better – advantage, advantage, advantage. And never can stop. So you have to be inspite of that phantom. Because the phantom will always be restless. There will be no final destination, final home or anything.

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The Self always enjoying itself by being the Self

Karl Renz: The Self always enjoying itself by being the Self. So that what is Self enjoys even the unenjoyment of that what is not Self. Absolutely, you can never disturb the perfect happiness of the Self. This cannot be disturbed by anything. And that what can be disturbed is not the Self, that’s all. And the Self never cares about that what is not Self. The Self is not the caretaker of that what is the unfolding of the Self.

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What is Realization?

Ramana Maharshi: What is Realization? Is it to see God with four hands, bearing conch, wheel, etc.? Even if God should appear in that form, how is the disciple’s ignorance wiped out? Such appearance is phenomenal and illusory. All perceptions are indirect or secondary knowledge. The truth must be eternal Realization. The direct perception is ever present Experience. There must be a seer.

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Durga Herself


Her appearance at this time was also striking. She was slim and graceful, her long, black hair hung below her knees, and her tangible spiritual radiance evoked awe in all who saw her. Once, the new couple was invited to attend a celebration of Durga Puja. When Ma, who at that time was unknown to the local people, entered the gathering wearing a red saree, the people assembled there were awestruck and proclaimed, “Durga Herself has come into our midst,” and began making obeisance, by kneeling and touching their heads to the ground. Continue reading “Durga Herself”

Why am I totally free?

Nisargadatta Maharaj: How did you get this “I Am-ness”? Did it come spontaneously, or did you try for it? As the Absolute, you were free from all concepts, including the primary concept “I Am”. Suddenly you were caught up in this “I Am-ness”. Who did it? Has it not happened spontaneously?

Question: Yes, that is true.

Nisargadatta Maharaj: You did not have this concept “I Am” in the course of the nine months in the womb. Understand this state of affairs; the concept “I Am” comes spontaneously and goes spontaneously. Amazingly, when it appears, it is accepted as real. All subsequent misconceptions arise from that feeling of reality in the “I Am-ness”. Try to stabilize in that primary concept “I Am”, in order to lose that and with it all other concepts. Why am I totally free? Because I have understood the unreality of that “I Am”. Continue reading “Why am I totally free?”

Being complete

Karl Renz: Being quiet is just being complete. You can do working, speaking, thinking – everything. You can eat. That doesn’t influence your completness. Or to be quiet is not talking or being silent or something. No. Being quiet means you are quiet, you are complete in your nature.

And that is 24/7, and that is meditation – being quiet, being complete. That is meditation without a meditator. Because a meditator is always incomplete. He wants to make something complete. But he will never make it complete, always incomplete, always greedy bastard – the meditator, greedy for peace, greedy for control. What to do with him. He cannot make you more or less as you are anyway. So you can be very generous – let it be as it is. May it be as it is. Let him struggle or not. Let him be a controller, a master. Let him even be enlightened. Continue reading “Being complete”