Karl Renz

Do your best to get them all away

Karl Renz: You just look for a good reason to be bad.

Question: That’s not about physical things. Sometimes it pops up that you immediately know if you would say to someone some thing…

Karl Renz: I say it.

Question: That would be…

Karl Renz: Yes, but I say it.

Question: …Totally the worst case for them.

Karl Renz: Why not? Just create the worst case scenario. A friend is leaving you because you say something. Or your mother doesn’t like you anymore. Then you are succeeded. Do your best to get them all away. Peace off. And the problem is look like me, I talk to all of them like bla-bla-bla, and more and more come. It doesn’t work.

Question: It’s not only that you would say something and the other one would be disappointed.

Karl Renz: Why not? Why you don’t dare to hurt them? Why are you afraid to hurt somebody? Because you don’t want to be hurt. You just make a business out of it. You don’t hurt me and I don’t hurt you. It’s just business. That’s called friendship.

Question: Mostly it happens with people I don’t know.

Karl Renz: Doesn’t matter with whom it happens. You just have a business with Existence – I don’t hurt people and that I will not be hurt by them. You are just afraid to be hurt? So you don’t hurt someone else. It’s not because you don’t want to hurt them. You are just afraid to be hurt by someone. Just fear. Civilized people, they just fear the consequences.

It’s like in the Bible. Don’t do to others what you don’t want them to do to you. But you would like to do something to them. Or not? What is going on in this circus? You tame yourself by fearing the consequences. It’s called being civilized. Otherwise you are stone hand. It’s still active, very active.

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