Don’t call it anything

Karl Renz: You just are. Don’t call it anything. The pointer is just you are inspite of two liquids meeting and the body coming out. Not because you were born by or made by something.

You experience yourself as something what is local. But what you are is never local. You have no location or anything. It’s an experience of… like a baby and then growing, and it’s all experiencing and then it will end. And still you are that what was before. So you were before, you are now and you will be after, uninterrupted. So you didn’t get more when you were born, and you don’t get less when you die. So it’s always – you never get more or less by anything.

Don’t call it anything. You just are. The moment you want to know what it is – is already you make it an object again. And then you make it different to something else. It’s just a pointer that you are inspite of presence of a body, presence of spirit, presence of awareness, you are inspite. You are prior to awareness, you are during and after awareness even. So awareness is the root of everything, but you are already there before awareness even is. So you are before the body, you are before spirit and you are before awareness. So you are in spite of all of that what you can imagine. You don’t depend on any presence. But you will never know what is that what is before. You can only be it, but you will not know it. And you are it. That’s all.

You have to know yourself by being what you are, but not by knowing what you are. And by being what you are, you are before these liquids meeting, before that and that… whatever. So whatever.

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