Finally you are He

Question: Do we forget the body before point Zero or after?

Ranjit Maharaj: Point Zero is forgetting the body! Nothing else. When you say, “I am not the body.” Then you are what you are. You will be in Zero. Come on. Due to ignorance, body, mind and ego have come. Understand, they are not true and you are He. Then if you ask me about experience, I say, no question of experience comes now. What experience do you want? Tell me? Forget yourself that is Self. For whom you say, “I am.” Forget that. Then you are He.

“I” comes from Zero. Nothing else. So that is the Zero point. If you go beyond the Zero point, you are He. Which is Zero, which is nothing, what to forget and what to remember? Tell me. You go beyond Zero now. That is the main thing. It is a sacred path. Understanding is a sacred path. Nothing else. “I am not the Zero also!” Then what you are? Something there remains. Finally you are He.

And that is the experience. Nothing else. What experience to experience yourself? What is required? To see the world, the sun is required. And then eyes are required. But to see yourself what is required? Tell me. It gives the power, the light to everybody, that Reality. Forget all and everything is one. Come on.

Then what experience do you want? Zero point comes. Everything is nothing. Then you don’t remain, body doesn’t remain. And everything comes in Zero point. Ego doesn’t remain. When you say that knowledge is wrong, then everything is wrong or not? Tell me. You know everything with knowledge. Nothing else. Only when knowledge goes off, then you can see the Reality or understand the Reality. Otherwise not.

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