Karl Renz

I still have full hope for myself

Karl Renz: I am here to talk you to death. And I can say whatever I like. At the moment I talk to That what is what you are, what you are not – dies. And what you are in nature remains. So just by talking to That what you are. That is yama actually – that is killing whatever can be killed, and That what is Life remains what it is.

And maybe you get more and more… Whatever. Sooner or later you have to abide in it by being it. Uninterrupted. And maybe you never know, it happens. I still have full hope for myself. Not really. But.

I can make a business out of it. Giving hope again – “When you are around me, you can easier abide into your true nature and then you… But you have to stick around.”

That would be hell for me. And I do everything to avoid that. I have no Buddha field. So what to do.

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