It is okay

Ranjit Maharaj: The master gives nothing to you. What did he give you more? He gives the real understanding only. What is true and what is not true. That understanding is given by the master. To accept or not to accept is your choice. He never worries for anybody. Why? Why to worry for anybody? If you go to the doctor, you can take the medicine, your disease goes off. If you don’t take the medicine, what fault is it of the doctor? It’s your choice. To accept or not to accept is your choice. So I always say, to be or not to be is the question, for everybody in the world.

It depends upon you now – be the Power. If that Power wants to be a beggar, he becomes a beggar also. Your choice has done everything. Take it for granted, you are the creator of the world. If it rains, “Oh, I want to go out but it’s raining.” But if you understand “it is my order,” then? Will you not leave the home? You want to go out, so you feel bad. But if you say, “it is my order,” then? Then it is okay!

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