Me. My reality. My chair.

Karl Renz: That’s a definition of Reality – it cannot be sometimes and sometimes not. Is it? The same as this presence.

Question: The idea of a chair is something.

Karl Renz: It’s temporary.

Question: The idea of a chair?

Karl Renz:  Yeah. If no one would have told you that there is a chair, you would not even know a chair. You would not call it a chair. It’s a hearsay. If you would not know the sun, you would not even know. If there would be no word for it, you would not know it, you would not even see it. It’s all conditioned. Who told you – this is a hand? If you would not know this is your body, you… If your mother would not have told you when you are three years old – “this is your body”, this would not be even your body. It’s hearsay. This “mine”, this “me”. It’s just a conditioning. And will be gone one day.

And who needs evidence anyway? Question. Me. My reality. My chair. I can feel it. My body. So the question is Who am I? And who needs evidence that he exists? Who doubts, who needs always confirmation that he exists? Me. Me. Me.

So you cannot decide but maybe – do you want to have a phantom life? Who needs always confirmation, always weight. Or you are interested in That what never needs anything. Which is satisfaction by nature. Or you are never satisfied. Because you are always doubting what you get and what you are. You want to have a doubtful life or that doubtlessness of what you are? What is your favorite? What is your preference?

So I have to make everything else pale and empty that you maybe just move to the other side.

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