Karl Renz

Moment by moment without any interruption

Karl Renz: Coming back to the monasteries yesterday. I like them all. I love them. Thanks God, nothing is in it. There is nothing to expect from them. They are just like empty cathedrals of christianity or anything. And whatever. And thanks God never ever there was anyone who needed them. Just a play of That. They are not more special then sitting here in this whatever, or somewhere else in a cave, or whatever. And for that I love them. As no one needs them.

Question: So why you make a talk instead of sitting here.

Karl Renz: For that. For that. That you may see they are as they are. But thanks God, there is nothing to offer. Enjoy them. Enjoy them as the next sip of coffee. Enjoy them as the next breathing in and out. Enjoy That what you are. And that is not something special. For that you see it. And then you see it’s not special. And then the next sip of coffee is the same quality of experiencing of what you are. Moment by moment, without any interruption. But any idea that you have to gain something in a special circumstance, make yourself a special seeking bustard who thinks in a special circumstance he can become and getting more what he is. It’s called an artist.

Question: And this is the promises release, all these ashrams and monasteries.

Karl Renz: That is the conditioning of all religions and all, whatever.

Question: I mean, even in Tiruvannamalai. It is a big promise.

Karl Renz: That’s why I enjoy it as much as hell, to sit there and see all that.

Question: But you go there, why you go there and sitting there.

Karl Renz: I just explain you, why I am sitting there. Because I like people to dive into existence and thinking they are special. Wonderful. I like it. I love it. And all is play of consciousness. And nothing special. Making a special sing song in the evening. And om Arunachala, bala-bala-bala. Why not. Arunachala, bala-bala. And Arunachala makes everyone bala-bala.

Question: You also sit in the cave.

Karl Renz: Yes, I say, and I enjoy it. And I enjoy it – nothing happened. And nothing special happens, for sure not. For what I am, which is perception itself, even that is absolutely as a next sip of coffee.

Question: And for the heart?

Karl Renz: And for the heart – the same. “And for my bloody heart.” That is why I love all that cave business and all that. Because nothing changed. Nothing happened in any of that.

2 thoughts on “Moment by moment without any interruption

  1. I thought for a moment on “moment by moment without any interruption” but the moment past too fast for thinking, then the next and still no inkling. What to do.

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