Nobody has any idea of what it means

Question: Do you feel any emotions?

Karl Renz: I feel everything! I feel the Whole, I feel all aggressions, all the things you said, people attacking me, all this energy that unfolds, but what to do? But this, I could not take it on me, it just comes and goes. You cannot bear this compassion, you cannot take it personally, it consumes you. In fact, I take it absolutely personally, in this way it doesn’t make any problem. Otherwise, if you don’t have any armour, you go straight to the mental hospital. Nobody has any idea of what it means.

So there are more sensations than I could imagine. Actually, it is not always easy for this body. Maybe without this breakthrough, without this energetic preparation of the cells, the body couldn’t bear it. So with all the things that occurred in the 60’s, these energetic teachings, these dreams in the night, this shamanism, these electric-shocks, consciousness was preparing the tool, so it’s ok…

Question: Ramana Maharshi said that if it were to come all of the sudden, like a power of 40000 volts, it would burn you. So there is a preparation of the body.

Karl Renz: For the body there is a preparation, that’s what I am saying. When awakening happens, it is for the body, for the cells, but not for what you are. The body is prepared for what you are, but you yourself are not getting ready for anything, what to do?

No ego is sane enough to bear it, therefore we speak of crazy wisdom. Wisdom is folly and folly is wisdom, and it is the absence of any direction of Life: no direction, no order, total chaos! To be touched by that, even a little, scares people, they feel it as an absolute abyss.

If it is supposed to happen, it will happen, and only Existence knows what is supposed to happen. What you think you are cannot get ready for this, neither you nor anyone, but That what is the Self knows best, and if Grace is after you, there is no escape. Thus it is said that if you are after Grace, you cannot find it, but if Grace is after you, Grace is everywhere!

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