Only God or Self exists

Question: So we can see there is no quality in what we are.

Karl Renz: No, there is only quality. There is no quantity. There is a dream of quantity. But in Reality is only quality. Only God or Self exists. So God is what is. And that Reality is realizing itself in all possibilities. So even the form is quality. But not one form is better than the other. So there is only Self showing itself in infinite forms. An infinite absolute presences. But there is no difference in quality. So it shows itself in differences but it doesn’t make a difference. So yes and no.

So nothing has to happen. Nothing has to go and nothing has to come for what you are. That acceptance what is what you are is infinite in its nature. And never needs to accept anything. So the joy you are never needs to enjoy itself. The beauty which is what you are never needs to know its beauty. And by not knowing what is beauty and what is not beauty – that’s beauty. And not knowing what is joy and what is not joy – that’s joy. And not knowing what is heart and what is not heart – that’s too hard for everybody.

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