Karl Renz

Out of the blue everything comes. Into the blue everything goes

Question: But at least I can laugh about it.

Karl Renz: That’s why you are here – to see the joke. You are here that you see the joke and then you may start laughing about what you are.

Question: So, you can learn that.

Karl Renz: Yeah, but again you can unlearn it. That’s the problem. And then it will be serious again. Then even I ask you to laugh even more about that you get serious about yourself. Because the bastard you are is always laughing in the back. As the buddhists say, call it like the sky which is never clouded by any idea. Which is always the sky is always laughing by itself. Just being that blue. And that’s why the color of Shiva or Krishna is blue. Out of the blue everything comes. Into the blue everything goes. And even Christ went into the blue. Not into the sky, into the blue.

So, and what is before the blue? The blues. That sadness of being absolutely alone is arising. There is the blues before the blue is. The first is blues. And out of the blues you start trying to entertain yourself. Because you are in such a blues.

Question: But there is a sense that everything is going through the inside it’s like a comedy.

Karl Renz: Yeah. The divine comedy it’s called.

Question: Just there is anything is going through the intellect that isn’t comedy?

Karl Renz: No. Only the comedy is.

Question: Only comedy. So, anything what goes through the intellect, if you take as anything, that comedy, you are asking to travel.

Karl Renz: It’s cult. It’s consciousness trying to cultivate consciousness. And that’s the comedy. The absolute cosmic consciousness trying to get more as it is. What a joke. That what never needs to be cultivated tries to cultivate itself.

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