Your bloody nature is meditation

Question: In the Tao the last sentence is “everyday you don’t make the meditation is one day you lost”.

Karl Renz: Absolutely and I agree.

Question: What is this?

Karl Renz: I tell you, absolutely – any moment without meditation is a lost moment. How not to meditate? Your bloody nature is meditation. That’s all. And when there is a moment, there is a meditator. And any moment there is a meditator, there is one moment lost. I am absolutely agree with the Tao.

No, that is what Ramana called your natural state which is meditation. When you are active, when you are awake – meditation is what you are.

Question: So what you do?

Continue reading “Your bloody nature is meditation”

The sense of humor of Shiva

Karl Renz: I would say if it hits you, you may laugh – Oh, it’s me, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. But it’s not like a sense of humor, it’s simply like you understand the joke or not.

Question: Yeah.

Karl Renz: But you are the joker who understanding that you are the joker, joking and out of that joker all the jokes are coming.

Question: Yeah.

Karl Renz: That is called the absolute sense of humor.

Question: So, what is this absolute sense of humor?

Karl Renz: That’s you may call the sense of humor of Shiva. By building everything and in one buff – having fun of building it up and destroying this, without any care.

Question: But it’s just another thought. It’s just an experience or something.

Karl Renz: I tell you, this is uninterrupted. The sense of humor of Existence is never-never. This is silence. There is a sense of humor which is happiness. That what is humor which has no humor. So it’s always like… So even in suffering, so called suffering experience, there is a background – always that enjoyer, the absolute enjoyment even of that: “Look, there is one who is suffering like. If you pronounce it. Oh, he suffers really deep today.”

Continue reading “The sense of humor of Shiva”

Doing the will of God

Ramana Maharshi: Surrender and all will be well. Throw all responsibility onto God. Do not bear the burden. What can destiny do then?

If one surrenders to God, there will be no cause for anxiety.

If you are protected by God, nothing will affect you. The sense of relief is in direct proportion to the reliance on God or the Self. When a person surrenders as a slave to the Divine, eventually there is the realization that all one’s actions are the actions of God. The sense of “I” and “mine” are lost.

This is what is meant by “doing the will of God”. Those who realize that they have lost their ahamkara (“I”-ness), and that they are not different from Ishwara, are jnanis.

Moment by moment without any interruption

Karl Renz: Coming back to the monasteries yesterday. I like them all. I love them. Thanks God, nothing is in it. There is nothing to expect from them. They are just like empty cathedrals of christianity or anything. And whatever. And thanks God never ever there was anyone who needed them. Just a play of That. They are not more special then sitting here in this whatever, or somewhere else in a cave, or whatever. And for that I love them. As no one needs them.

Question: So why you make a talk instead of sitting here.

Karl Renz: For that. For that. That you may see they are as they are. But thanks God, there is nothing to offer. Enjoy them. Enjoy them as the next sip of coffee. Enjoy them as the next breathing in and out. Enjoy That what you are. And that is not something special. For that you see it. And then you see it’s not special. And then the next sip of coffee is the same quality of experiencing of what you are. Moment by moment, without any interruption. But any idea that you have to gain something in a special circumstance, make yourself a special seeking bustard who thinks in a special circumstance he can become and getting more what he is. It’s called an artist.

Continue reading “Moment by moment without any interruption”


Question: But there must be a pleasure that celibacy must bring…

Karl Renz: No, it’s like, you cannot compare the pleasure of the absence of one who has pleasure or pain. You cannot imagine the enjoyment of silence which is the absence of one who knows pain or pleasure. So that is why they call it ananda or happiness itself which is the absolute absence of one who knows pleasure or pain. Or defines it.

So the absence of one, this definer who defines pleasure or pain is called the absolute absence of the presence of one who knows or doesn’t know what is pain or pleasure or even existence. And this absolute absence is like silence. And that silence is pleasure itself which doesn’t know pleasure. It doesn’t know itself but it is pleasure, it is joy, it is sex. Whatever you call it. But it doesn’t have to have something to be what it is.

So it’s a pleasure of absolute independency of any imaginary sensational experience of sex, of pleasure, of pain, of peace, of freedom, of all what you can imagine.

His arrangements are perfect

Anandamayi Ma: Man thinks he is the doer of his actions, while actually everything is managed from “There”. The connection is “There”, as well as the power-house – yet people say: “I do.” How wonderful it is!

When in spite of all efforts one fails to catch a train, does this not make it clear from where all one’s movements are being directed?

Whatever is to happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time, is all fixed by Him. His arrangements are perfect.

That is why I take everything away here

Karl Renz: It seems like, that is like not a taste of it, but just – then you know what is deep-deep sleep in that instant. Because this is not different. Because that what-you-cannot-not-be is in deep-deep sleep as now. Uninterrupted. There is no coming and going in it. You were, you are and you will be That, which is with and without. And then for one little instant you are totally without. You are that what is omnipresence which is no present.

It’s an omnipresence what doesn’t need to be present to be the omnipresence. But actually I would call it omni-pre-sense. It’s not a presence, is a pre-sense. It’s not an innocence, is in-no-sense.

Question: But in deep-deep sleep there is no awareness.

Continue reading “That is why I take everything away here”

And truly the voice of God

“And when he was hung up upon the Cross on Friday, at the sixth hour of the day, darkness came upon all the earth. And my Lord standing in the midst of the cave and filling it with light said: “John, unto the multitude below in Jerusalem I am being crucified and pierced with lances and reeds and given vinegar and gall to drink. But to you I am speaking, and listen to what I speak. I put into your mind to come up to this mountain, so that you may hear what a disciple should learn from his teacher and a man from God.””

“And when he had said this he showed me a Cross of light firmly fixed, and around the cross a great crowd, which had no single form… And I saw the Lord himself above the Cross, having no shape but only a voice; yet not that voice which we knew, but one that was sweet and gentle and truly the voice of God…”

Any comparisment needs one who compares

Karl Renz: Just to point it out. You compare. You compare happy and unhappy ones. Or not?

Question: I don’t know if it’s comparison.

Karl Renz: Of course. You can only find happy one because you know unhappy ones.

Question: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely.

Karl Renz: So it can only be a relative happiness, you can experience there. So thanks God, there is no that happiness which is unconditioned. Or absolute happiness in any person, in any so called beings on earth. There will never be any happiness of That what are you looking for. Thanks God. There is only relative happiness which you can only have to compare with unhappiness. So the relative in its nature. So it’s in itself unhappy again. Thanks God. There is no one who is happy on earth.

Question: Why?

Karl Renz: Because then there would be one who is different to what Brahman is. And there would be a second Brahman. That is hell. Even the idea that there is the happy one is hell. Halleluya. Then you want to be that too. Then how to do that? Then you seek again. No. Any comparisment needs one who compares. And already that is unhappy.

Says Kabir

Says Kabir, beyond the finite and the infinite

Whoever has met the Formless God

I shall be his slave and shower on him

All splendors of the world.


Before the Lord I shall offer

Candles of knowledge, bells of prayer

Where shines the Lord in eternal glow

His slave, Kabir, stands there.


I have burnt my house down

With fire brand in hand

I shall burn his house who comes

And also joins my band.