The absolute in whatever

Karl Renz: Giving attention to attention is being That what doesn’t have any idea about attention.

Question: Yeah, yeah. It sounds first like a paradox.

Karl Renz: It is a paradox.

Question: Because that what is attention can’t…

Karl Renz: If only when you have attention and give attention, then it’s a relative attention. But if you are the absolute attention which cannot… There is no one who has anything. Then you don’t give attention to anything. Then you are attention. Because then you are that what is attention and that what is experience. There is no difference in nature. Then you are that what is. And that what is cannot be disturbed by what is.

So, only when you are separate person and the separate bla-bla-bla entity, and then you are permanent disturbed just by existence. That you exist, you are disturbed. That you are aware to exist. Already the root of all disturbances. That all starts. The awareness I. But that what is awareness has no idea about awareness. That what is the father doesn’t know any father. That what is spirit doesn’t know any spirit. It would never give it the same name. And the absolute person doesn’t know any person.

Continue reading “The absolute in whatever”

Anarchy of Existence

Question: You use the word harmony. So harmony is also something that… the word you use. Is it reality for you – harmony?

Karl Renz: Harmony is always there. I am never in any conflict with anything.

Question: For me, sometimes I am afraid because I also see very much the chaos.

Karl Renz: Yeah, but for me chaos is harmony. No, chaos is harmony. Because there is no idea of harmony. That’s chaos. And that is the nature of harmony. Harmony who has no idea of harmony. And that’s chaos. Confusion. That’s harmony. No need of structure or anything. Or pleasing music, or something. No entertaining music.

If you ask me, for me what is art, what is music. Actually, maybe the opposite of the normal understanding of it.

Question: Yeah, exactly.

Karl Renz: But maybe not. I don’t care about what is normal. So, for me it’s… There was never any artist. There was never any creator. This whole creation is totally random. There is no creator deciding anything. It’s just freedom, anarchy of Existence. And no purpose, no meaning. All of that is the free unfolding of Life itself. Life living in a total chaos and confusion of itself. And enjoying itself. And no need of any order or any technique, or anything. How can you learn to live? What a joke.


Karl Renz: I think by intuition you know that you are not something what you can know. By absolute intuition. Because whatever you can know, you drop again. And then you try something else and you drop it again. You pick it up – your understanding or some experience but after a while it doesn’t satisfy you, gone. Next one. So, you always try the next one. And none of them is… Maybe it’s like little temporary satisfaction. But this temporary satisfaction doesn’t satisfy you.

So, all of that is empty. After a while you may turn away from all that, fleeting thing. And then turning away from it, turning to that what is always available. But you never count it. What was always there. So your attention always went astray.

But you cannot… It happens when it happens. Not because you want it to happen. So it has to burn out before. It has to be really empty, empty, empty, empty, empty. Until… Then the longing is so strong that it automatically comes back. And then this experience of that what doesn’t need to experience itself – this sweetness of what it is, that what is sweetness – is uncomparable to any other experience. And then you are totally hooked to yourself. And then by nature you just stay there. Because you are not tempted anymore by all of that fleeting things. But only that can keep you there.

Continue reading “Sweetness”

There is only noumenal Life

Karl Renz: There is only Self. If there is at all. And the Self doesn’t know any self. So what is there to… And that is silence. There is no…

Question: Yeah, so ok. If it’s silence, anything that be or arises, arises on this silence.

Karl Renz: It is silence. Not on the silence.

Question: All the phenomenals.

Karl Renz: All is noumenal Life. There is no phenomenal life.

Question: Noumenal Life.

Karl Renz: It’s all noumenal Life. The noumenal is the only what is Reality. There is only noumenal Life.

Sorry, I am not… The phenomenal is just… The nature of the phenomenal is not different from the noumenal. So even the phenomenal is noumenal. There is only noumenal Life. Life as what is Life which is noumenal. Final.

So there is no difference in nature of the phenomenal and the noumenal. So there is no second. So the father, the spirit and the son in nature are Heart. So there is only Heart, the noumenal. Realizing itself as phenomenal. But it doesn’t become phenomenal, realizing itself as phenomenal. It’s uninterrupted noumenal.

So what is there to do. Higher teaching… What is a higher teaching in it? You cannot not be quiet. So, anything else from high-high? High and low.

The market may close at once

Being born here on earth as man

Give up your arrogance

Buy quickly what you wish to gain

The market may close at once.


I am neither Muslim nor Hindu

None of them I am

A doll made of the five elements

To play some funny game!


In many a land at home and abroad

I found men are plentiful

But rarely the one whose very sight

Made me cheerful.

Void means simply there is no second

Question: So there is nothing to be done here. Because either that will happen or something else will happen anyway. Like it all happening.

Karl Renz: You can say – there is an energy like a cluster of energetic informations who try to keep their form. That is like – this cup is like a cluster of energy who builds this cup like an information system, and there is resistance to break. But there will be an outside event which breaks the cup. That’s all. But the cup cannot be prepared for that. That is the same with the cluster. Information system of like a cup who tries to keep this form. Like an ego who keeps this form of information system as I. This is like an identification – “me”. Conglomeration of I-s and ideas.

And then comes the higher, like they call it grace which breaks that cup. So there has to be like another up, if you can call it higher force, a bigger force who breaks that system. But… And that is called like the cup can be put this head in the tiger’s mouth forever – nothing will happen. So you are putting it into your tiger’s mouth or not, if the tiger is not awake, nothing happens. But when the tiger wakes up, this is in spite of the cup, in spite of the cluster of ideas, which is cosmic consciousness like Shiva. Then in spite of your preparation it breaks you or drops you, whatever you like to call it. So it’s in spite of what the cup or an information system has done before.

So it may happen or not. But as long as that whatever the cup is trying to do or the ego system is trying to survive.

Even by meditating you try to avoid that void which breaks you. Because in the void there is no cluster possible, there is no information system of any kind of me possible. Because void means simply there is no second. And without a second there is no cluster. A cluster is only when there is a second, there is two. Otherwise there is no cluster. And a cluster like an ego needs a second. It needs that. Without that it cannot exist.

Continue reading “Void means simply there is no second”

Supreme happiness

Anandamayi Ma: Divine happiness, even the tiniest particle of a grain of it, never leaves one again. And when one attains to the essence of things and finds one’s Self – this is supreme happiness. When it is found, nothing else remains to be found. The sense of want will not awaken anymore, and the heart’s torment will be stilled forever. Do not be satisfied with fragmentary happiness, which is invariably interrupted by shocks and blows of fate. But become complete, and having attained to perfection, be Yourself.

Your bloody nature is meditation

Question: In the Tao the last sentence is “everyday you don’t make the meditation is one day you lost”.

Karl Renz: Absolutely and I agree.

Question: What is this?

Karl Renz: I tell you, absolutely – any moment without meditation is a lost moment. How not to meditate? Your bloody nature is meditation. That’s all. And when there is a moment, there is a meditator. And any moment there is a meditator, there is one moment lost. I am absolutely agree with the Tao.

No, that is what Ramana called your natural state which is meditation. When you are active, when you are awake – meditation is what you are.

Question: So what you do?

Continue reading “Your bloody nature is meditation”

The sense of humor of Shiva

Karl Renz: I would say if it hits you, you may laugh – Oh, it’s me, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. But it’s not like a sense of humor, it’s simply like you understand the joke or not.

Question: Yeah.

Karl Renz: But you are the joker who understanding that you are the joker, joking and out of that joker all the jokes are coming.

Question: Yeah.

Karl Renz: That is called the absolute sense of humor.

Question: So, what is this absolute sense of humor?

Karl Renz: That’s you may call the sense of humor of Shiva. By building everything and in one buff – having fun of building it up and destroying this, without any care.

Question: But it’s just another thought. It’s just an experience or something.

Karl Renz: I tell you, this is uninterrupted. The sense of humor of Existence is never-never. This is silence. There is a sense of humor which is happiness. That what is humor which has no humor. So it’s always like… So even in suffering, so called suffering experience, there is a background – always that enjoyer, the absolute enjoyment even of that: “Look, there is one who is suffering like. If you pronounce it. Oh, he suffers really deep today.”

Continue reading “The sense of humor of Shiva”