His arrangements are perfect

Anandamayi Ma: Man thinks he is the doer of his actions, while actually everything is managed from “There”. The connection is “There”, as well as the power-house – yet people say: “I do.” How wonderful it is!

When in spite of all efforts one fails to catch a train, does this not make it clear from where all one’s movements are being directed?

Whatever is to happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time, is all fixed by Him. His arrangements are perfect.

That is why I take everything away here

Karl Renz: It seems like, that is like not a taste of it, but just – then you know what is deep-deep sleep in that instant. Because this is not different. Because that what-you-cannot-not-be is in deep-deep sleep as now. Uninterrupted. There is no coming and going in it. You were, you are and you will be That, which is with and without. And then for one little instant you are totally without. You are that what is omnipresence which is no present.

It’s an omnipresence what doesn’t need to be present to be the omnipresence. But actually I would call it omni-pre-sense. It’s not a presence, is a pre-sense. It’s not an innocence, is in-no-sense.

Question: But in deep-deep sleep there is no awareness.

Continue reading “That is why I take everything away here”

And truly the voice of God

“And when he was hung up upon the Cross on Friday, at the sixth hour of the day, darkness came upon all the earth. And my Lord standing in the midst of the cave and filling it with light said: “John, unto the multitude below in Jerusalem I am being crucified and pierced with lances and reeds and given vinegar and gall to drink. But to you I am speaking, and listen to what I speak. I put into your mind to come up to this mountain, so that you may hear what a disciple should learn from his teacher and a man from God.””

“And when he had said this he showed me a Cross of light firmly fixed, and around the cross a great crowd, which had no single form… And I saw the Lord himself above the Cross, having no shape but only a voice; yet not that voice which we knew, but one that was sweet and gentle and truly the voice of God…”

Any comparisment needs one who compares

Karl Renz: Just to point it out. You compare. You compare happy and unhappy ones. Or not?

Question: I don’t know if it’s comparison.

Karl Renz: Of course. You can only find happy one because you know unhappy ones.

Question: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely.

Karl Renz: So it can only be a relative happiness, you can experience there. So thanks God, there is no that happiness which is unconditioned. Or absolute happiness in any person, in any so called beings on earth. There will never be any happiness of That what are you looking for. Thanks God. There is only relative happiness which you can only have to compare with unhappiness. So the relative in its nature. So it’s in itself unhappy again. Thanks God. There is no one who is happy on earth.

Question: Why?

Karl Renz: Because then there would be one who is different to what Brahman is. And there would be a second Brahman. That is hell. Even the idea that there is the happy one is hell. Halleluya. Then you want to be that too. Then how to do that? Then you seek again. No. Any comparisment needs one who compares. And already that is unhappy.

Says Kabir

Says Kabir, beyond the finite and the infinite

Whoever has met the Formless God

I shall be his slave and shower on him

All splendors of the world.


Before the Lord I shall offer

Candles of knowledge, bells of prayer

Where shines the Lord in eternal glow

His slave, Kabir, stands there.


I have burnt my house down

With fire brand in hand

I shall burn his house who comes

And also joins my band.

Samsara is nirvana and nirvana is samsara

Karl Renz: Nirvana is samsara. Samsara is nirvana and nirvana is samsara. There is in nature no difference. Form is non-form and non-form is form. The way is the goal. That is all. This moment is absolute as you are. And you cannot not experience yourself as this moment. So be the experiencer, experiencing, what can be experienced in nature. And there is nothing to gain in it and nothing to lose in it. So you are an Absolute in every so called fucking moment. Never less, never more as you are. So be it.

And he asks you – be as you are, be Absolute. And I tell you – be what you cannot not be. So you cannot not be Absolute. So I try very hard to hammer it into everyone but the hammer is never good enough.

Continue reading “Samsara is nirvana and nirvana is samsara”

And You alone I will see

Come inside my eye for once

And I will close my eye

You will see me and none else there

And You alone I will see.


The same tear is shed by

The saint and the sinner

If blood he sheds when he does cry

Wisdom has dawned in him be sure.


I am unable to come to You

Or from core of heart invoke

The pang of separation pains me so

My heart does burn and choke.

You are still the nakedness itself

Karl Renz: Again and again, I point out that, no moment of understanding, by whatever insight, by the highest knowledge, can you get it, by whatever. Forget it.

It is like, in the Mahabharata, when Yudhisthira went with Krishna to hell. It is hell for the mind to see that there is no way out. And then there is the question from Krishna, “Сan you take it, can you be in the misery, for whatever you imagine of time, for eternity? Is there any wish of avoidance left in what you are?”

And then there was simply a total resignation of that which cares. “Whatever. Let it be, as it is.” Then suddenly, there was no hell, no Krishna, no Yudhisthira – there was nothing left. There was simply the Absolute itself, without any avoidance, as absolute blankness of ideas of what it is and what it is not. This is a direct pointer to the absolute acceptance, that which cannot be done.

Continue reading “You are still the nakedness itself”

I still have full hope for myself

Karl Renz: I am here to talk you to death. And I can say whatever I like. At the moment I talk to That what is what you are, what you are not – dies. And what you are in nature remains. So just by talking to That what you are. That is yama actually – that is killing whatever can be killed, and That what is Life remains what it is.

And maybe you get more and more… Whatever. Sooner or later you have to abide in it by being it. Uninterrupted. And maybe you never know, it happens. I still have full hope for myself. Not really. But.

I can make a business out of it. Giving hope again – “When you are around me, you can easier abide into your true nature and then you… But you have to stick around.”

That would be hell for me. And I do everything to avoid that. I have no Buddha field. So what to do.

Only pure love for Thee

Ramakrishna: I prayed to the Divine Mother only for love. I offered flowers at Her Lotus Feet and said with folded hands: “O Mother, here is Thy ignorance and here is Thy knowledge, take them both and give me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy holiness and here is Thy unholiness, take them both and give me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy virtue and here is Thy sin, here is Thy good and here is Thy evil, take them all and give me only pure love for Thee. Here is Thy dharma and here is Thy adharma, take them both and give me only pure love for Thee.”