Redirection of the love

Karl Renz: Maybe you have to put your love to something what is what you are. Surrendering to that what is your nature. And not surrendering to the so called daily life of my living tra-la-la. Maybe you have to surrender to That what is not a concept. So you have to fall in love again with That what is your nature. And not falling in love with your body or some, mercedes or some good doing or something.

So redirection of the love. Because now your direction is out into the world, doing good and climate change, bla-bla-bla. Understanding something. But all of that is empty. And there is one point – it is all so empty that it cannot, you know it’s never ending story of ignorance. And you love something which is always permanently changing and you cannot keep it. It’s no way. Maybe it has to be something what is permanent and not depending on fleeting experiences.

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The only thing what counts

Karl Renz: It seems to be necessity to give attention totally in that eternal now to That what one is. And then maybe getting used to that, that this is the only thing what counts. And the rest is just by the way, whatever. Personal life or anything. But the only thing what counts is totally focusing and giving attention to That what you are. And nothing else. Putting attention to that what is attention. Permanently. This becomes your meditation, 24/7. And nothing else counts. If there is a purpose to exist, this is a purpose. The only purpose which is worth to have a purpose is That – to be what you are. Getting out of this hypnotic state of imagining to be out of it.

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You can kill everything

Karl Renz: “Wow. Crazy. I am afraid to get crazy.” Om namah shivaya.

Question: The process of releasing these believes.

Karl Renz: Believe systems? They don’t have to go. You just change your believe system. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change anything. Just be what you are – and the believe system, and the believer and whatever. It’s anyway killed. You just can kill everything – all your idea and fear of madness – just by being what you are, which is always sober. Always, totally. Now you are insane. Your sanity is what you are. What you are is always sane. But now you are insane to believe in something. That is insanity. Come on. It’s crazy – the Almighty is afraid to get crazy.

Unless our walking is our preaching


It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.

The only thing ever achieved in life without effort is failure.

We should seek not so much to pray but to become prayer.

The world is a great stage on which God displays his many wonders.

It was easy to love God in all that was beautiful. The lessons of deeper knowledge, though, instructed me to embrace God in all things.

This aloneness of absolute quietness

Question: What about own efforts? Seeker. I made it, as a seeker. So many efforts that all were in vain.

Karl Renz: Thanks God. And you are here that you maybe – oh, thanks God, I didn’t make it. Thanks God, they were all in vain and futile. Enjoy the futility of Life. Doesn’t need any results. So futile. Thanks God, just in case there is one. Just in case. The futility of your action – that’s the joy of acting. The joy of action is there is futility, there is nothing coming out. That you don’t expect, this absence of expectation or regrets. Wow. We are talking about the carelessness of what you have done or not done. What happens by your inner fire for truth and all this beautiful tra-la-la. Until there is absolutely – fuck it all. Fire or no fire, cooling down or not cooling down – who fucking needs that.

No, this absolute tabula rasa. And that is like become a baby, tabula rasa. There is no concept left – what needs to be done or not done. Because there is no one left who could have one. So the whole ownership erased. No tabu anymore.

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You were, you are, and you will be That

Question: Ramana mentioned I-I.

Karl Renz: Yes, that’s the Zero-Zero. No he was not there, because in I-I no one can be. The I of the I there is neither one nor no one. It’s like the essence of the essence. Because the essence of the essence doesn’t know any essence. By not knowing what he was and what he is, he is that what is That, knowledge, call it anything. But it itself could not call it anything. Ramana never claim to know himself. He was never claiming anything. He just point it out – is like a street sign, the direction. But he never told you what one is. Because no one ever will know what one is.

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The Parabrahman principle

Nisargadatta Maharaj: Doctors have diagnosed that this body has cancer. Would anyone else be as joyful as I am, with such a serious diagnosis? The world is your direct experience, your own observation. All that is happening is happening at this level, but I am not at this level. I have dissociated myself from Sattva Guna, beingness.

The Ultimate state in spirituality is that state where no needs are felt at any time, where nothing is useful for anything. That state is called Nirvana, Nirguna, that which is the Eternal and Ultimate Truth. The essence and sum total of this whole talk is called Satguru Parabrahman, that state in which there are no requirements.

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Whatever comes next

Karl Renz: So I am talking to the master. And not to anyone needs something. And for me, you are complete as you are. You cannot get more or less as you are. And not any relative knowledge or any insight, anything can ever add anything to what you are. But nothing can be taken away from you too. That comes together. So you cannot get less. And as you are the Absolute complete, this is what you are. You cannot escape yourself. You will always realize yourself in the next moment. In the Presence.

So even the Presence you cannot escape, as the Absence. It’s like two faces of what you are. The Presence face and the Absence face. But what you are has no face. And no concept of all. So how can I know that? So I turned it around – how can I not know that? How can I not be? Maybe you tried all, what you can do, not to be. But you failed. As you are even in not-being you are. Imagine.

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Unusual behavior of Swamiji


The ways of the Siddhas are always a mystery. Our Sheshadri Swami was no exception. Many of his actions and behavior were out of the normal and unexplainable, ununderstandable. Anyone seeing him do such things would brand him as a mad man. Maybe he was seeing so many astral beings that could not be seen by us and he was signaling them or conversing or playing with them.

He was always active. Even when he was sitting comfortably his hands would be active, moving things or playing with them. While sitting he would rub his palms or backside of the hands repeatedly and close his eyes with his palms. He would keep his hands at his waist and go front and back as though he doing a dance routine or hula hoop.

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The happiness you are is not depending on how this movie is played

Karl Renz: It’s a total demand of Totality. And you cannot resist.

Question: That’s nice.

Karl Renz: Yeah. That’s the way it is. It’s peace. It’s always the total demand of Totality, that the next moment has to be as the next moment already is. And whatever gives you the energy which can lift your eyelid – it’s the same energy who is make the world turn. So there is no separation in it. It’s just Totality living itself in all these differences. And there is no one who is drawn to something. It’s just moment by moment Life living itself in that way.

And that’s there is actually, maybe if you are honest, no place of judgement, judging it. Just as it is. Or already is. And because of that, this has to be whatever. The movie is shot and nothing has to be and can be changed in it. So just you can relax totally, absolute relax and just be witness of your own movie which is already finished.

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