Pure happiness

Question: H. W. L. Poonja said: “Beyond the words you are, be simply that”.

Karl Renz: I will add… “because you cannot be otherwise”. For That you don’t need to do anything, not even to be beyond, which can still be a desire. But you are what you are with desire or without desire. Whether you are stupid or intelligent you cannot lose this absolute knowledge, because you are That, whether you like it or not. You play stupid, that’s all.

Question: Everyone is playing stupid!

Karl Renz: No. There is only one who is stupid, the Self! And I think he endlessly enjoys the stupidity. So be That what always enjoys, That what is happiness itself and cannot help being happy. Even if it tries to avoid happiness it cannot, because avoiding is still happiness itself, it is unavoidable.

Question: Did you really say that my nature is happiness itself?

Karl Renz: Yes, your nature is the absence of one who is happy or unhappy. And this is pure happiness.

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