Radio station

Question: When I go to Virupaksha cave, it gets really violent. I don’t know something very hard happens. So I was wondering there is tenderness in that somehow?

Karl Renz: In the cave?

Question: This I don’t know very intense experience. It’s not blissful.

Karl Renz: Because the cave is a radio station. You didn’t know? There is a holy man, like a sage’s samadhi there under the big stone. And he is talking all the time. You have really to receive all his whatever information. He is an infinite source of information and wisdom. And you get totally messy. If you really have an open radio inside, you get all the information. It’s him. And he doesn’t mind. He is just being without everything. Whatever you want to know, he tells you. You were overloaded then. No, it’s not a place of silence there. And never was. But that I like about it. He is talking out of silence. But silence doesn’t have to be quiet. It’s a biggest pointer. You can talk talk talk and there is still silence uninterrupted. But you take it as a disturbance.

Question: Yes and no.

Karl Renz: No, because you think silence has to be quiet, a quiet mind. Mind has to be quiet, mind has to be still. Then there is your idea of peace, have peaceful mind which is a mind who is quiet. No, for he shows you that you can be bla-bla-bla and there can be totally confusion. And there is silence always uninterrupted, never demanding any stillness of mind. Because only mind has an idea of how mind has to be. What you are has no idea, it accepts everything. And the silence of your nature can never be interrupted by anything. Never there is any disturbance. Impossible to be disturbed as What you are. Only one who has an idea of differences of quiet and not quiet, and disturbed and not disturbed. He is always disturbed. So that’s why I like it. It shows you – nothing has to be different. You have to be in a total disturbance and whatever tra-la-la, and movement and thing. If you cannot be That what you are in any circumstances, it’s not worth being it.

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