Karl Renz

Samsara is nirvana and nirvana is samsara

Karl Renz: Nirvana is samsara. Samsara is nirvana and nirvana is samsara. There is in nature no difference. Form is non-form and non-form is form. The way is the goal. That is all. This moment is absolute as you are. And you cannot not experience yourself as this moment. So be the experiencer, experiencing, what can be experienced in nature. And there is nothing to gain in it and nothing to lose in it. So you are an Absolute in every so called fucking moment. Never less, never more as you are. So be it.

And he asks you – be as you are, be Absolute. And I tell you – be what you cannot not be. So you cannot not be Absolute. So I try very hard to hammer it into everyone but the hammer is never good enough.

Question: How do you see this audience?

Karl Renz: I see myself as stupid. But it doesn’t make me, the Absolute – stupid. Being absolute stupid is still Absolute. You are absolute knowledge or you are absolute stupid, you cannot decide. But as absolute stupid you are as Absolute, as absolute knowledge. You cannot not be Absolute.

So when you are ignorance, you are absolute ignorant. And if you are not, you are absolutely not. You cannot not be Absolute. That is all. So I see the Absolute in an absolute ignorance. So does it make you less Absolute? Absolute not-knowing or absolute knowing. What is the problem?

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