Seeing the holy spirit in everything

Question: About view we can have over what is happening. Because it seems to me, from what I understood it consists on being interested to the things we are looking at without being interested.

Karl Renz: It is like meditating about what you see. It is called the inner view. So it is not a meditation – you sit down and close your eyes and sink going inside. It’s a permanent meditation about not seeing the form but seeing that what is the essence of it. So meditating on the essence of Life is not seeing the form, seeing that what is. Normally many think – you have to look within. But you have to look around you and you look at the form, and whatever you see there is timelessness in everything. The silence in form.

Direct seeing the energy which shows itself as forms. So seeing the essence of beauty and not seeing a beautiful form who is different to an ugly form. So piece of shit is as much Life as gold or something. So that is the alchemy of realization. The alchemists they try to make gold out of everything, but seeing the holy spirit in everything – that is the alchemy of consciousness.

Question: It seems to me, that when I am trying to see this way meditating, actually I have the feeling that I am feeding the person.

Karl Renz: No, you disappear in it. Because if you have no preference anymore, there is no me.

Question: So it’s a question of preferences?

Karl Renz: It’s all a question of preference.

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