
Question: Nobody realizes the Absolute.

Karl Renz: There is nobody in the Absolute. There is only the Absolute. Since nobody owns the Absolute, nobody can be the Absolute. That will always be a paradox, for sure, and you are this paradox. Only a paradox doesn’t need to explain itself because for that what is para, prior to all ideas, the paradox is what is in the presence as in the absence. For That there is no paradox. But for the intellect it is an insoluble koan. How could that “what is not” be that “what is”? You cannot understand this, you can only be it. That never makes a problem and That needs neither explanation nor to solve a koan.

Question: Nisargadatta Maharaj said: “You are pure unknowing”.

Karl Renz: What metaphysics indicates is a mystery, which will never be unravelled because there is no second that you can grasp, there is not even one. That can never be a relative knowledge, it never is an object of knowledge. Whatever you can know is an object in time but That is not in time.

Question: So those words are more destructive than constructive.

Karl Renz: You build by destroying. You are what is left. It is called the abstract, the substratum. You are the substratum from which nothing can be subtracted any more. Even when the idea of second disappears, you are.

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