Karl Renz

Sweet surrender

Karl Renz: Trust Existence. Existence never makes any mistake. It’s all absolute arranged. Don’t worry, be happy. And enjoy the show. All your despair and all your frustration had to happen to prepare yourself. That you now can sit here and be quiet maybe or not. Who knows. So it’s all by grace, they call it. Grace prepared you to confront yourself with yourself.

So all is fine. No mistake at all. It was as it was, and it is as it is. And it cannot be otherwise. So there is a wisdom of not knowing what is needed, and preparing you for that what you never will know. So there are many drug addicts in front of me sometime, junkies, heroin or something. Exactly that you have to go through – all the drugs, and all the things, all the experiences. And all the helplessness – that you cannot decide taking it or not. That it’s your hand goes to the needle and you get it, if you like it or not.

This is actually the preparation for helplessness. That you cannot help it. That you have no control. Anything. Or you have a relationship is a very good teacher. That you have to be with someone until it ends. And you cannot stop it before it ends, as much as you try.

It’s all pointing to your helplessness. You just have to see it. It’s like a grace acting. You would say as a person – “This is hell. Why can I not stop it? Why I cannot have free will and all of that. Or I feel so frustrated.” But this is actually the best. Experience of helplessness. That you cannot control anything. Not at all. Not even breathing or your eye lid. Every thought is coming out of you don’t know. You cannot, as much as you try.

And then starting to enjoy it. That I am here for, to point it out – enjoy the helplessness because nothing is more sweet then helplessness. Everything else is just a personal control system, trying to fix something what never needs to be fixed. As if you could get something out of it. If I could only control myself…

Sweet surrender, they call it. Nice song from Tim Buckley. Sweet surrender. Totally surrender to the helplessness of Life.

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