Untold is the story of love

Untold is the story of love

Nobody can even guess

Like sugar taken by the dumb who smiles

But its sweetness cannot express.


Says Kabir, love-clouds have gathered

It is raining down on me,

My entire soul is soaked in it

All round there is greenery!


Says Kabir, you have built your hut

As neighbour to cut-throats;

But do not worry, for He who causes

Will fulfill all your wants.

Says Kabir

He is drunk with Name potion

And not with base wine

Who drinks the potion of the Lord’s Name –

With drunkards he is not in line.


Idle talks are useless vain

Good deeds are best of all

Says Kabir, they lead man to success

And help him reach his goal.


What is good and what is bad

Fools cannot see at all

With a garment tied to its tail

Can the rat enter its hole?

The market may close at once

Being born here on earth as man

Give up your arrogance

Buy quickly what you wish to gain

The market may close at once.


I am neither Muslim nor Hindu

None of them I am

A doll made of the five elements

To play some funny game!


In many a land at home and abroad

I found men are plentiful

But rarely the one whose very sight

Made me cheerful.

Says Kabir

Says Kabir, beyond the finite and the infinite

Whoever has met the Formless God

I shall be his slave and shower on him

All splendors of the world.


Before the Lord I shall offer

Candles of knowledge, bells of prayer

Where shines the Lord in eternal glow

His slave, Kabir, stands there.


I have burnt my house down

With fire brand in hand

I shall burn his house who comes

And also joins my band.

And You alone I will see

Come inside my eye for once

And I will close my eye

You will see me and none else there

And You alone I will see.


The same tear is shed by

The saint and the sinner

If blood he sheds when he does cry

Wisdom has dawned in him be sure.


I am unable to come to You

Or from core of heart invoke

The pang of separation pains me so

My heart does burn and choke.