I realized that I am never born :)

Karl Renz: I tried birth control.

Question: And?


Karl Renz: Yeah. It worked. You may say I realized that I am never born. So the birth control worked.

No, for me it’s the only… whatever… it’s like birth control. Being what you are which was already before two liquids meeting. That your existence is not coming in some body comes or some experience comes. To be That what is in spite of presence of a born body or anything. This is like birth control.

And being That what is already there before anything happens. That’s called birth control. Before even presence is you are. So, in that sense, for me that’s the only what counts for me. The rest – the resembling the person or doing something and finding purpose on that is all second hand tra-la-la.

It’s just like trying to keep your personal life little bit in check or something. Or finding thing. But that’s the main reason people actually maybe come to me or something. Just that I point only to That. And I don’t give any attention to anything else. As to That what they are, in nature, which is not depending on how the body is or the personality is. Acting or not. Or what one feels or doesn’t feel. It’s all too late. It’s all not my… It’s not my field. Absolutely not.

So if it all I am talking to That what is not here. Not now and not here.

Question: Yeah.

Karl Renz: Otherwise I am too lazy. Because otherwise it’s like Sisyphus work – you always try and then your personality comes back. And the healthy person or something. But then it breaks down again and this one. It’s all so fragile. The whole life of every personality and all whatever… is such fragile and temporary whatever. And totally fragile. It can break down any moment. By whatever decease. By corona. By viruses, by whatever. The health… Seventy years of buying food and healthy food and just little one little bum. Bang, gone. So control doesn’t work.

But the only thing what may work is being what you are. And that is birth control. That whatever you are is never born, never dies. This Eternal life of what you are. Which is… There is no one who can disturb That. That is the peace you are which is undisturbable by anything. The rest is OK but… We can talk about it and… but it’s not… We can have fun about it. It’s like an entertainment show. But that’s all. It is nothing serious about. Seriously. So if it all I talk about only that. Or point to that.

Time appears in That which I am

Question: You said that time appears in That which I am.

Karl Renz: Time is the realization of what I am. I realize myself in time.

Question: Relatively.

Karl Renz: Relatively, in the separation between the realizer and the realization. That’s already that what is a creator and that what is the creatures, so that what is the creating. So you can only realize yourself, Reality realizing itself as that difference. Or in that separation.

Question: And separation can exist without time?

Karl Renz: Time is just this whatever, that you can experience whatever you are in a different way of whatever possible way – you have to separate from yourself for the sage of experience.

Question: When you say: Time appearance in that which I am. Would that also be true of space?

Karl Renz: Time is space, is part of space.

The Black Sun

pulling off the flesh

of some unknown god

the Abyss

of all archetypes

is revealed

plunging down down… . .

who has tasted this

radiant darkness

of the black sun

like the open mind

of the night sky

full of silent silver

trembling star

kisses of primordial purity

with all the love… . .


from??????don’t know anymore!

There is only Eternal life

Karl Renz: It never comes and never goes. It doesn’t repeat itself. In coming it’s not coming and in going it’s not going. It’s a block of Existence which never is changing. So there is no coming and going in it. It’s like the frames. This frame of this moment. And you look at the other frame. But this frame you leave then, it’s not gone. It’s still there. The whole movie is finished.

It’s not something comes and goes. It doesn’t repeat itself. In coming it doesn’t come and in going it doesn’t go.

So, that’s called the famous silence is that there is no movement at all. Nothing ever happened means nothing is ever born, nothing is ever died. So in coming nothing is coming, because that what you think is coming it’s already there. So nothing gets born and nothing dies. So Eternal life is this what you experience. This is Eternal life.

It’s not like the Eternal life behind here, somewhere. In the prior. No. This what you is… This is Eternal life. There is only Eternal life. In Eternity. And this so called now is just the Eternal now which is never coming, never going. There is no power in it. Just natural. The nature of Life is Eternal. And this is Life.

You are the master of the masters

Question: They say – surrender.

Karl Renz: Yeah, you have to surrender.

Question: How do you do that?

Karl Renz: How? It’s not how. Just by being what you are, you surrender any idea of what you are. Just by being what you are. It’s very easy. Every night you surrender in deep-deep sleep to yourself. And you surrender the whole body, the whole world. Without surrendering you cannot fall asleep. It’s an absolute surrendering, because you don’t know if you wake up again. You think you wake up again. Because yesterday you woke up, and the day before. But you cannot be sure that you wake up the next morning.

You never know what happens. In deep-deep sleep. Maybe whatever. You can imagine. Some cannot sleep anymore. Because they imagine maybe what can happen. Someone comes and bum and buff. Maybe I will not wake up anymore so I have to stay awake.

So surrendering is you can surrender now what you do every night. You surrender the surrenderer. Because what you believe as a surrenderer cannot do that. Because the surrenderer gets surrendered every night in the surrendering of what you are. Just dropping the presence. The presence dropped or that what you are turning to the absence. So you are master of surrendering. Everyone here surrenders every night. You are the master of the masters. And no one can teach you that. No one has to teach you that.

But you try the meditation to surrender. But you meditate as a meditator. You meditate on some advantage. Because you think there is an advantage of absence. Then you make even the absence the advantage. So the me lives from advantage and disadvantage. But what you are has no disadvantage in disadvantage and no advantage in advantage. It is in spite of presence and absence.

So there is no better. There is no good or bad or anything. All of that only applies to the me who believes in the advantage as absence.

So the absolute advantage is that to be what you are, never needs, doesn’t know any advantage or disadvantage. So not knowing what you are. And not knowing what is advantage and disadvantage comes with it. There is the peace you are looking for. What you are longing for. But only to be what you are. The rest cannot give you anything. Then you are the master of it.

But the trap is always you fall in love. Every morning again, first sight. The first question – how am I? What to do first? Staying in bed or do I have to go to toilet first. You see this caretaker starts instantly.

The sound of Heaven

Karl Renz: In India they say Sai Ram, Sai Ram like I am God, I am God, I am God. But it doesn’t work. You have to be. You are it anyway. So I am talking to myself. That’s why I call it Self-talks. The Absolute talks to the Absolute. And always having fun with Absolute having problems. Absolute knot, absolute heart…

Question: But having the relative problems or absolute…

Karl Renz: Doesn’t matter. Absolute relative problems are as absolute as absolute non-relative problems. I enjoy problems. Small problems, big problems. By being the problem there is no problem. If it doesn’t need to be solved. Problems are fun. If it doesn’t make you more – if there are solved or less when they are not solved. They are just fun. They are popping up like flowers and they dissolve. It’s like pfff – coming and going. Just give it some time. They will be gone by themselves. Not because you want them to go.

What’s the problem? When there are problems?

This is called the garden of Eden. Nirvana. Because every word, every event, everything is a flower of the garden of Eden. Even the shit on the street of the dog is a flower in the garden of Eden. Or every sound of punk or anything like noise and thing, it’s all the sound of Heaven. Sound garden. If you are all That and it’s all what you are, how can you be disturbed by what you are. And how can you even be disturbed by being disturbed? Because I am permanently disturbed. I am so disturbed. But who is disturbed by being disturbed? I like to be disturbed. I like to be angry like hell. I could shoot everyone every moment. But why not. And I don’t have to be a good person. Fuck it.

Out of the blue everything comes. Into the blue everything goes

Question: But at least I can laugh about it.

Karl Renz: That’s why you are here – to see the joke. You are here that you see the joke and then you may start laughing about what you are.

Question: So, you can learn that.

Karl Renz: Yeah, but again you can unlearn it. That’s the problem. And then it will be serious again. Then even I ask you to laugh even more about that you get serious about yourself. Because the bastard you are is always laughing in the back. As the buddhists say, call it like the sky which is never clouded by any idea. Which is always the sky is always laughing by itself. Just being that blue. And that’s why the color of Shiva or Krishna is blue. Out of the blue everything comes. Into the blue everything goes. And even Christ went into the blue. Not into the sky, into the blue.

So, and what is before the blue? The blues. That sadness of being absolutely alone is arising. There is the blues before the blue is. The first is blues. And out of the blues you start trying to entertain yourself. Because you are in such a blues.

Question: But there is a sense that everything is going through the inside it’s like a comedy.

Karl Renz: Yeah. The divine comedy it’s called.

Question: Just there is anything is going through the intellect that isn’t comedy?

Karl Renz: No. Only the comedy is.

Question: Only comedy. So, anything what goes through the intellect, if you take as anything, that comedy, you are asking to travel.

Karl Renz: It’s cult. It’s consciousness trying to cultivate consciousness. And that’s the comedy. The absolute cosmic consciousness trying to get more as it is. What a joke. That what never needs to be cultivated tries to cultivate itself.


Karl Renz: There is an unpronounced yes. Just the silence agreed. There is a total agreement of what you are. You agree to everything. Yes. Even if I would read the telephone book. Yes, yes. It’s not what I say. For sure not.

Question: And yes, it’s in spite of what you mind.

Karl Renz: Yeah. I am just talking to keep the mind busy that some whatever is there. So I take over your mind. Because I don’t mind. And then you can be what you are. And that is always yes.

Question: That is always yes.

Karl Renz: Ok. Yes. Yes. Not even pronounced. It’s just yes. So the most silent agreement. But agreement to yourself. And that… there is peace. Because there is peace, there is yes. Because there is doubtlessness of being. And in doubtlessness there is peace and there is yes. So you agreed to your existence. And then there is peace.

Normally you don’t agree with how you are and what happens. Because you are a seeker and you want to go out of this. And then there is no agreement. And I by talking to you and taking over that doubtful tra-la-la, there is sudden agreement. Unexpected. Then you don’t know… what. And there is doubtlessness. But the problem is no one can take it with him. Because this ownership thing steps in again. And then that owner wants even to own that doubtlessness of Existence. My doubtlessness.

We can talk about it. But it’s all bullshit.

Karl Renz: Who defines strong and not so strong energy?

Question: Ok.

Karl Renz: That is why I say – you are still concerned about the quantity of energy.

Question: Yes, sure.

Karl Renz: And that’s the block it.

Question: But sometime… I want to kill everybody I found on the road. So horrible.

Karl Renz: That is why we are sitting here, talking about the quality of energy which has no quantity. And at the moment you talk about the quantity of more or less energy is a dream. Is imagination.

Question: So, we talk about the quality?

Karl Renz: Just you have to write the discrimination – whatever has a quantity of energy is an imaginary energy.

Question: Yes, sure.

Karl Renz: And that quality of energy is silence. There is no more or less energy. This what is called silence. But any concerning about the quantity and how it was, and making a biography of more or less energy is this personal conserver. Memorizing whatever quantity of more or less imaginary energy. That is called dream. And being That what is energy – doesn’t know energy and doesn’t have energy. And there is no quality of negative or positive or anything what you can imagine.

Question: Yes, sure.

Karl Renz: But for that you are sitting here, for that silence. And not for any more or less energy. Come on. And not knowing – why this solar plexus is jumping there or something is happening there in the right ear or in the left ear. What does it mean. When the antenna is sending or receiving. And bla-bla-bla. Bla-bla-bla. We can talk about it. But it’s all bullshit.