Not one dot

Karl Renz: Could the chair decide if I sit today on it or not? How can object in time decide anything? Did that answer answer your question? It’s exactly what Krishna told Arjuna, what I just said. Krishna told Arjuna that even he – the architect of all the universes, all what can be created, he cannot change his own creation.

Because the war already happened from the beginning. You cannot avoid what is already created, what is already done. He had to go and fight, because it already happened. You cannot avoid anything of your so called destiny or fate, because everything what can happen already happened. The movie is shot. It’s already finished. You cannot change anything. That is Krishna telling Arjuna that even he – the almighty, the almighty creator, the architect of everything, cannot change his own creation. Not one dot, he cannot change one little action. So Arjuna had to go and kill, because they are all dead anyway already.

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Arising of the inner sun

Karl Renz: This direction is “I am who?” is always out. Then comes whatever master or someone who tells you: ask yourself “Who am I?”.  And then comes this no answer, that absolute no answer of that question. So it’s always direction then within is like the direction to that mystery. And maybe by that question all your concepts of your relative existence dry out or gets annihilated.

Because that question of “Who am I?” – is like an infinite now, becomes your nature. That direction is within to that mystery, to that what is a source of whatever can be known and not known. And by that infinite no answer you get lost in that. You cannot grab anything, never understanding or deep insight as an answer is there. There is no answer. And in this no answer something is totally relaxing in a way.

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Longing for yourself

Karl Renz: When sadhana starts is the end of honeymoon. Then it shows if it’s really real, that you are longing for yourself or if it’s just playing. I think 99% are just playing with it, is not so extreme. It’s very rare that that longing for yourself is so intense that you burn out everything. That you just go for it, never minding anything, without any hesitating and without any whatever – not caring about your body, not caring about your family, not caring about the world, only that counts is very rare. Very very rare. But if it’s meant to happen, it’s there. But you cannot fake it. Or you can fake it for a while but not for long.

So that’s why I say – it has to be 24/7, it cannot be just for – “Oh, it’s nice to seek myself. I am a seeker for truth. And then we meet together and have a good time, having sangha or something, making party and having a guru together, and a bit singing or something, and feeling good together.” Sounds all good. But that’s not 24/7 longing and burning. So it’s easy to find gurus but it’s much harder to find good disciples or really Shiva lovers, who love Shiva more then even themself. That’s why in Tiru there are only 63 these sidhas. So 63 out of all the time. They are hanging around the mountain who made it – dissolving into themself, into Shiva. So their love for Shiva was stronger then for themself. Then they have become sidhas.

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It’s absolute possible

Karl Renz: Now we are all curious that you tell us what you want. What do you want?

Question: To be in peace in life.

Karl Renz: But it’s the easiest if you are just what you are there is peace unlimited. There is no second. There is peace, there is nothing but peace, come on. So don’t tell me it’s not possible. Even to know yourself is possible by being what you are. You know yourself by being what you are. So it’s absolute possible. It’s the most easy to know yourself as what you are. Of course, by being what you are you know yourself. You are That. And by that you know it absolutely by heart and not by whatever second-hand information.

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Radio station

Question: When I go to Virupaksha cave, it gets really violent. I don’t know something very hard happens. So I was wondering there is tenderness in that somehow?

Karl Renz: In the cave?

Question: This I don’t know very intense experience. It’s not blissful.

Karl Renz: Because the cave is a radio station. You didn’t know? There is a holy man, like a sage’s samadhi there under the big stone. And he is talking all the time. You have really to receive all his whatever information. He is an infinite source of information and wisdom. And you get totally messy. If you really have an open radio inside, you get all the information. It’s him. And he doesn’t mind. He is just being without everything. Whatever you want to know, he tells you. You were overloaded then. No, it’s not a place of silence there. And never was. But that I like about it. He is talking out of silence. But silence doesn’t have to be quiet. It’s a biggest pointer. You can talk talk talk and there is still silence uninterrupted. But you take it as a disturbance.

Question: Yes and no.

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Be happy that you don’t need to be happy

Question: The objective world doesn’t exist?

Karl Renz: This world? I have no idea.

Question: You see it but…

Karl Renz: But I have no idea if it’s real or not real. I only know if it’s real – I cannot get rid of it. If it’s not real – I don’t have to. So in both cases I can be quiet. In both cases I cannot do anything. If it’s real – I cannot get rid of it. If it’s not real – I don’t have to. So you cannot get rid of anything. So just be quiet. Because there is nothing to do.

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Seeing the holy spirit in everything

Question: About view we can have over what is happening. Because it seems to me, from what I understood it consists on being interested to the things we are looking at without being interested.

Karl Renz: It is like meditating about what you see. It is called the inner view. So it is not a meditation – you sit down and close your eyes and sink going inside. It’s a permanent meditation about not seeing the form but seeing that what is the essence of it. So meditating on the essence of Life is not seeing the form, seeing that what is. Normally many think – you have to look within. But you have to look around you and you look at the form, and whatever you see there is timelessness in everything. The silence in form.

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An outburst of love

Question: Karl, did anything change in your art after this event that never happened?

Karl Renz: Yeah, it was changed. Before, there was this “wisdom of emptiness” thing, totally, and every painting was black. There were simply black paintings and black sculptures. Everything was black. Emptiness! Black!

And then there was an outburst of this “thing”. You go to the emptiness and you get totally empty of an idea and then, when you are absolutely empty, fullness comes. Totally. In that moment, total emptiness becomes fullness. That’s like what they call “an outburst of love”. When you reach an extreme point of emptiness, of wisdom, the fullness can come. Because the emptiness of Heart contains the fullness of existence.

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What is meant by transcending?

Question: What is meant by transcending?

Karl Renz: Transcending cannot be done by anyone. It’s not a doing. It’s just being what you cannot not be – what is prior, during and beyond all what can be imagined. So your very nature, your natural state. Your nature has no likes and dislikes. And your natural state would be neither having or not having anything.

Question: Why do we misunderstand?

Karl Renz: It has to be misunderstood, because you take it personal. How else can you take it? You want to make an advantage out of it. But it’s not an advantage, so it’s not for this relative me. Because relative me wants only the advantage of having no disadvantage, and only having the advantages. But this is an absolute advantage you cannot have. No one survives in that advantage, in that absolute advantage that you don’t need any advantage – there is no me. So it’s not for you. You live by tendencies, you live by that – having or not having. You cannot even survive in not having any tendency.

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No understanding, no clarity, no freedom, no realization

Question: So, I want to ask you, what advice would you give to the sincere seeker, who devotes his or her live to the pursuit of enlightenment? What advice, what would you say?

Karl Renz: Don’t listen to anybody, not even to yourself. Because all you can perceive is not what you are. All you can understand, you can forget already. And that what can get clear is not what you are.

Question: No understanding, no clarity.

Karl Renz: No freedom.

Question: No realization.

Karl Renz: See that That what you are is perfect as it is. And that what is an idea of imperfection is merely an idea in time. It cannot touch That what is Perfection itself.