Doing the will of God

Ramana Maharshi: Surrender and all will be well. Throw all responsibility onto God. Do not bear the burden. What can destiny do then?

If one surrenders to God, there will be no cause for anxiety.

If you are protected by God, nothing will affect you. The sense of relief is in direct proportion to the reliance on God or the Self. When a person surrenders as a slave to the Divine, eventually there is the realization that all one’s actions are the actions of God. The sense of “I” and “mine” are lost.

This is what is meant by “doing the will of God”. Those who realize that they have lost their ahamkara (“I”-ness), and that they are not different from Ishwara, are jnanis.

What is Realization?

Ramana Maharshi: What is Realization? Is it to see God with four hands, bearing conch, wheel, etc.? Even if God should appear in that form, how is the disciple’s ignorance wiped out? Such appearance is phenomenal and illusory. All perceptions are indirect or secondary knowledge. The truth must be eternal Realization. The direct perception is ever present Experience. There must be a seer.

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This world is meant only for creating faith in you

Ramana Maharshi: Practice with faith during the period of ignorance is called bhakti; the same, with knowledge is called jnana. Of the two divisions of bhakti, the one is worship of God with name and form, and the other is karma which is love shown (equally) in all worldly affairs. Of the two divisions of jnana, the practice of the true way shown by the Master is called yoga and the resulting state is called jnana.

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Giving one’s self up to God

Question: Of the devotees, who is the greatest?

Ramana Maharshi: He who gives himself up to the Self that is God is the most excellent devotee. Giving one’s self up to God means remaining constantly in the Self without giving room for the rise of any thoughts other than that of the Self.

Whatever burdens are thrown on God, He bears them. Continue reading “Giving one’s self up to God”

What is happiness?

Ramana Maharshi: Happiness is the very nature of the Self; happiness and the Self are not different. There is no happiness in any object of the world. We imagine through our ignorance that we derive happiness from objects. When the mind goes out, it experiences misery. In truth, when its desires are fulfilled, it returns to its own place and enjoys the happiness that is the Self.

Continue reading “What is happiness?”