It is His wish – you have to say

Ranjit Maharaj: Somebody does bad. Forget. He does bad to me. Otherwise there are so many troubles the whole life. What to do. Even in the time of death also – that man or bloody something… in your mind. You can’t do anything at that time. What to do.

Suppose, someone doesn’t like his own son. He is always wrong, doing all wrong things. But at time of death he comes – oh, papa I will come. The father doesn’t like. This disliking is there. What to do. He can’t force. No force at that time to say anything. So he agrees. He doesn’t say reply also.

Understanding should come. That is the main point now. Everything is nothing true. If it’s true when you sleep, where it goes? Where your body goes, tell me? When you are sleeping, you don’t know. And somebody awakes – ah, what you want? You come in the senses at that time. Otherwise you sense less, no sense at all.

Understanding should come. If you want to understand then – body is always a dead body at the moment. I say that – this is a dead body. As a connection is there, it speaks. No connection then? Disconnected is gone.

So when you are living in this body, understand what have to do. Understand what should I do. How to cultivate my mind in such a way. And then you are happy. Anything happens, you are happy. Against your wishes it happens, still you are happy. And according your wishes it happens, it is OK. It is His wish – you have to say. His – means Reality’s wish now. What to do. He doesn’t say good also. That is the difference. Ignorant people have to say – oh, this is very bad. What is this happened?

They are nothing but gold

Ranjit Maharaj: One should find out what is Reality. The whole world may go to zero but still Reality remains.

Same way the Reality is there. Find out that Reality. And that is oneself without self. Understand this way and you can understand “Who am I?”. Don’t misrepresent you. Everybody misrepresents himself. All ornaments are nothing but gold, or not? If you understand gold, then ornaments do not remain. They are nothing but gold.

The Self is methodless

Ranjit Maharaj: Everybody has got different meditation idea. Same way, teachers also got different ways to teach. So the only one thing can be told – if you understand that “my mind”, “my ego”, “my body”, every other things are all illusion. But main thing is my body that is also completely illusion. If you understand, then it can be called a method, otherwise not. There is no method for understanding the Reality. Why no method? Because the Self is methodless.

Here the only method is thinking, nothing else. By thinking wrong thoughts, ignorance has come. Otherwise, Reality is so open, there is nothing to do for attaining that. There method cannot stay. Method doesn’t stay. There is no method.

Continue reading “The Self is methodless”

Dream becomes happiness to you

Ranjit Maharaj: Forget yourself, “I am not the woman”, or not the man, or not the body, or not the name. In this way, forget and you are everywhere. He acts as the body is there, actions are sure to happen. But say -” It is not true.”

So this is nothing, but a long dream. Nobody is bad and nobody is good. Everybody is He! If you understand, then dream becomes happiness to you.

That is the point, and nothing else here. Once understand yourself. “I don’t exist.”

Finally you are He

Question: Do we forget the body before point Zero or after?

Ranjit Maharaj: Point Zero is forgetting the body! Nothing else. When you say, “I am not the body.” Then you are what you are. You will be in Zero. Come on. Due to ignorance, body, mind and ego have come. Understand, they are not true and you are He. Then if you ask me about experience, I say, no question of experience comes now. What experience do you want? Tell me? Forget yourself that is Self. For whom you say, “I am.” Forget that. Then you are He.

“I” comes from Zero. Nothing else. So that is the Zero point. If you go beyond the Zero point, you are He. Which is Zero, which is nothing, what to forget and what to remember? Tell me. You go beyond Zero now. That is the main thing. It is a sacred path. Understanding is a sacred path. Nothing else. “I am not the Zero also!” Then what you are? Something there remains. Finally you are He. Continue reading “Finally you are He”

It is okay

Ranjit Maharaj: The master gives nothing to you. What did he give you more? He gives the real understanding only. What is true and what is not true. That understanding is given by the master. To accept or not to accept is your choice. He never worries for anybody. Why? Why to worry for anybody? If you go to the doctor, you can take the medicine, your disease goes off. If you don’t take the medicine, what fault is it of the doctor? It’s your choice. To accept or not to accept is your choice. So I always say, to be or not to be is the question, for everybody in the world. Continue reading “It is okay”


Ranjit Maharaj: Nothing to worry about anything. If you want Zero, I have got nothing with me. I have given you everything. Go after Zero, run after Zero.

Say, “I never needed anything.” What are you going to take? Everybody wants to take Zero. Why you should worry? You can’t change the Reality. The one who gets Reality, then? he becomes He! Continue reading “Zero”