Divine healing


A poor man called Arumuga Padayachi was neglected by all his relatives because he became a victim of “Mega” disease and being without any support, he came to Tiruvannamalai in search of Swamiji. After a search for many days he found Swamiji and held on to his feet and wept about his condition. He would not leave the hold on his feet. Swamiji got very angry, took a stone lying nearby and hit him on his head. Padayachi started bleeding, fell down unconscious and relaxed his hold on Swamiji’s feet. Within a month he was cured of his disease and led a happy life with wife and children.

A trader from Saurashtra staying in Madurai did not have any child. After a long period of prayers Devi Meenakshi appeared in his dream and asked him to go to “our Seshadri in Tiruvannamalai”. When they met Swamiji they were surprised when he asked them whether Devi Meenakshi had sent them. He blessed them, tied their saree and doti in a knot and after some time opened it. Within a year they had a male child and they named it Seshadri.

Unusual behavior of Swamiji


The ways of the Siddhas are always a mystery. Our Sheshadri Swami was no exception. Many of his actions and behavior were out of the normal and unexplainable, ununderstandable. Anyone seeing him do such things would brand him as a mad man. Maybe he was seeing so many astral beings that could not be seen by us and he was signaling them or conversing or playing with them.

He was always active. Even when he was sitting comfortably his hands would be active, moving things or playing with them. While sitting he would rub his palms or backside of the hands repeatedly and close his eyes with his palms. He would keep his hands at his waist and go front and back as though he doing a dance routine or hula hoop.

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Sri Sheshadri Swamigal

Sister-in-law of T. V. Subramania Iyer was a victim of an attack by brahma rakshas and for ten years she was acting in an uncontrollable and unpredictable manner shouting, crying, beating etc. They tried all mantras, tantra and poojas without any benefit. Ultimately, when she became emaciated almost like a dead body, she was brought to Swamiji. He called for some haldi roots, brushed them against his own breast and asked Subramania Iyer to grind them to a paste and apply all over her body. After half an hour the girl, who had been like log, woke up with loud sound and shouted for food! All her bad behaviour had gone away. She became normal in due course.