Karl Renz

The absolute in whatever

Karl Renz: Giving attention to attention is being That what doesn’t have any idea about attention.

Question: Yeah, yeah. It sounds first like a paradox.

Karl Renz: It is a paradox.

Question: Because that what is attention can’t…

Karl Renz: If only when you have attention and give attention, then it’s a relative attention. But if you are the absolute attention which cannot… There is no one who has anything. Then you don’t give attention to anything. Then you are attention. Because then you are that what is attention and that what is experience. There is no difference in nature. Then you are that what is. And that what is cannot be disturbed by what is.

So, only when you are separate person and the separate bla-bla-bla entity, and then you are permanent disturbed just by existence. That you exist, you are disturbed. That you are aware to exist. Already the root of all disturbances. That all starts. The awareness I. But that what is awareness has no idea about awareness. That what is the father doesn’t know any father. That what is spirit doesn’t know any spirit. It would never give it the same name. And the absolute person doesn’t know any person.

That’s the absolute man. The absolute in whatever. The absolute awareness, the absolute spirit and the absolute man. Doesn’t know any man, no spirit and no father. So, not knowing yourself – what you are and what you are not. That is just like… And that you are in deep-deep sleep. Again I can only say – in the absence of all this, you are That. And not to pick up in the morning the whole thing and just remain as you are anyway, uninterrupted.

It’s not an art. It’s just… That’s why they call it your natural state which is uninterrupted. And not sometimes this, or this and bla-bla-bla. The awareness state is already artificial in that way. So if you have awareness, you are an artificial experiencer. Because what you are can never be experienced. So what to do.

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