The fresh breath all the time

Question: In a way you are a shit-cleaner, right?

Karl Renz: No, I am just here to open your back door.

Question: Yoga again.

Karl Renz: Yeah, this is yoga, this is pure yoga. Because keep your asshole open. But not only there, here too. In and out. You have two ears, that there is one ear here and one out, one in, one out. Don’t be a collector of shit.

Otherwise you present, that is like a meeting. Everyone presenting the collecting of the shit from yesterday, what happened. Shit happened, yesterday. Shit, shit, shit, shit. And then comparing your shit with their shit. My shit is better then your shit. A competition of shit. Shit competition. I have golden shit. You still have silver shit. My shit is pure. I have purified shit. You have dirty shit.

Yeah, listen to when people talking of their whatever. “My childhood was a very shitty childhood. No, my parents loved me. Shit. I cannot complain. Shit.” Yeah, it’s fun to have a shit factory. And when this shit factory goes, you don’t hang on to it. Because who wants to hang on on shit. Shit came, shit goes. It calls food body. Just digesting, digesting. And then what comes out of it? Worms are happy producing another shit. Even big models and body-builders, all – shit, shit, shit. Fantastic.

So you can have a big belly, you can be overweight, and thing. Big shit, small shit. Slim shit, shit, shit. Enlightened shit. That’s the best shit. Awakened shit. Wake up shit. Second hand shit. Haute couture shit.

But if you really continue, it’s like the all scriptures of the Bible, and the Mahabharata, and the Yoga Vasistha – shit, shit, shit, shit. Because what you are doesn’t need any of that. It’s totally empty. Useless as it is. Shit, shit, shit. The whole famous whatever and insights, and Rumi, and poems and thing – shit, shit, shit. But then you can enjoy it because you don’t need it. You just enjoy it because you don’t need it. And you don’t collect it. Just there, ok. Oh, sounds good. But something else sounds good too. Why carrying it around and being loaded with all that shit. Shit load. Just enjoy in and out. Like a breath. The fresh breath all the time. All the experiences just uuhh, wow, that was good shit. Oh, that shit touched me very deep. What a deep shit, wow. Oh, it stinks. Oh, wonderful.

I am here that you enjoy yourself. And you can only enjoy yourself because you are shit. If everything is shit, you enjoy the shit. But if something is there which is not shit then it’s really shitty. It’s complete shit. Because whatever one is doing, one is trying to get on top of the shit, out of the shit. And then it stinks. If you sit shit in shit, it doesn’t stink anymore. But if you are out of the shit then it stinks. When you are apart. When you are special. Then it starts stinking.

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