The light which is eternal can never be extinguished

Anandamayi Ma: The delight in the things of this world, in sense objects is fleeting indeed. It does not last. It is impermanent. But where God and God alone stands revealed, there is no such thing as impermanence. Your attention is directed towards the world, not towards the eternal. You are identified with that which is transient in constant flux. What is revealed thereby? The perishable. In the perishable there is no self-revelation. How can Reality, true being be in that?

For the destruction of destruction has not yet come about. The perishable must perish. The light of the world comes and goes, it is unstable. The light which is eternal can never be extinguished. By that light you behold the outer light and everything in the universe. Only because it always shines within you, you can perceive the outer light. Whatever appears to you in the universe is due only to that great light within you. And solely because the supreme knowledge of the essence of things lies hidden in the depths of your being, it is possible for you to acquire knowledge of anything.

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