The Self is methodless

Ranjit Maharaj: Everybody has got different meditation idea. Same way, teachers also got different ways to teach. So the only one thing can be told – if you understand that “my mind”, “my ego”, “my body”, every other things are all illusion. But main thing is my body that is also completely illusion. If you understand, then it can be called a method, otherwise not. There is no method for understanding the Reality. Why no method? Because the Self is methodless.

Here the only method is thinking, nothing else. By thinking wrong thoughts, ignorance has come. Otherwise, Reality is so open, there is nothing to do for attaining that. There method cannot stay. Method doesn’t stay. There is no method.

So one should try to take out ignorance by thinking only. Ignorance is also nothing. But by own thinking you said that: “I got ignorance of Reality.” You have forgotten yourself. What to do. How to give the understanding of this: “Oh, forget himself.” How can give that understanding? There are different ways. Masters, teachers. Why? Anyway, you have to understand “Who am I?”. Nothing else. Forget what you understand is Reality, forget that. And which was forgotten, say – it is Reality. That is the method only.

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