Karl Renz

The sound of Heaven

Karl Renz: In India they say Sai Ram, Sai Ram like I am God, I am God, I am God. But it doesn’t work. You have to be. You are it anyway. So I am talking to myself. That’s why I call it Self-talks. The Absolute talks to the Absolute. And always having fun with Absolute having problems. Absolute knot, absolute heart…

Question: But having the relative problems or absolute…

Karl Renz: Doesn’t matter. Absolute relative problems are as absolute as absolute non-relative problems. I enjoy problems. Small problems, big problems. By being the problem there is no problem. If it doesn’t need to be solved. Problems are fun. If it doesn’t make you more – if there are solved or less when they are not solved. They are just fun. They are popping up like flowers and they dissolve. It’s like pfff – coming and going. Just give it some time. They will be gone by themselves. Not because you want them to go.

What’s the problem? When there are problems?

This is called the garden of Eden. Nirvana. Because every word, every event, everything is a flower of the garden of Eden. Even the shit on the street of the dog is a flower in the garden of Eden. Or every sound of punk or anything like noise and thing, it’s all the sound of Heaven. Sound garden. If you are all That and it’s all what you are, how can you be disturbed by what you are. And how can you even be disturbed by being disturbed? Because I am permanently disturbed. I am so disturbed. But who is disturbed by being disturbed? I like to be disturbed. I like to be angry like hell. I could shoot everyone every moment. But why not. And I don’t have to be a good person. Fuck it.

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