Karl Renz

There is only Eternal life

Karl Renz: It never comes and never goes. It doesn’t repeat itself. In coming it’s not coming and in going it’s not going. It’s a block of Existence which never is changing. So there is no coming and going in it. It’s like the frames. This frame of this moment. And you look at the other frame. But this frame you leave then, it’s not gone. It’s still there. The whole movie is finished.

It’s not something comes and goes. It doesn’t repeat itself. In coming it doesn’t come and in going it doesn’t go.

So, that’s called the famous silence is that there is no movement at all. Nothing ever happened means nothing is ever born, nothing is ever died. So in coming nothing is coming, because that what you think is coming it’s already there. So nothing gets born and nothing dies. So Eternal life is this what you experience. This is Eternal life.

It’s not like the Eternal life behind here, somewhere. In the prior. No. This what you is… This is Eternal life. There is only Eternal life. In Eternity. And this so called now is just the Eternal now which is never coming, never going. There is no power in it. Just natural. The nature of Life is Eternal. And this is Life.

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