This aloneness of absolute quietness

Question: What about own efforts? Seeker. I made it, as a seeker. So many efforts that all were in vain.

Karl Renz: Thanks God. And you are here that you maybe – oh, thanks God, I didn’t make it. Thanks God, they were all in vain and futile. Enjoy the futility of Life. Doesn’t need any results. So futile. Thanks God, just in case there is one. Just in case. The futility of your action – that’s the joy of acting. The joy of action is there is futility, there is nothing coming out. That you don’t expect, this absence of expectation or regrets. Wow. We are talking about the carelessness of what you have done or not done. What happens by your inner fire for truth and all this beautiful tra-la-la. Until there is absolutely – fuck it all. Fire or no fire, cooling down or not cooling down – who fucking needs that.

No, this absolute tabula rasa. And that is like become a baby, tabula rasa. There is no concept left – what needs to be done or not done. Because there is no one left who could have one. So the whole ownership erased. No tabu anymore.

So when I talk here is like this tabulessness of even pedofeel, tra-la-la, the worst case scenario is all your fucking responsibility by being the Absolute, Parabrahman. And you cannot miss the one aspect of Life. You have to dream everything. As otherwise you would not be complete. As complete as you are, as complete is your dream. And the completness demands – all bad and all good, what you can imagine. All the wars, and all the killing, and all the bad and good reactions. Whatever. You cannot miss one little aspect of the Absolute. You are fucked forever being complete.

And by being complete, it has to be complete as the completness of the Absolute dreamer, the Parabrahman and what he is dreaming. And you cannot miss one aspect. May it be so uncomfortable, and so unbearable, whatever as it can be. It has to be there. And no way out. And no one can take that. But what you are has no problem with it. But the one who tries to take that – it’s impossible. You fail. You cannot take it. The person breaks in infinite pieces, just by confronting it. But in that breaking totally down of everything – wow, there is wow. Just for one second there is this wow, this aloneness of absolute quietness. This is incomparable to anything what you can experience. Whatever blissful bla-bla-bla, anything.

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