Karl Renz

This death of this body for what you are is simply like having another cup of coffee

Question: Is there any reason that this whole theatre starts? We could have stayed what we are?

Karl Renz: No. You could not. As I said – you are that what is freedom. And freedom means freedom of choice. And freedom of choice means – you cannot make a choice to stay where you are. Even the choice to stay where you are, already the chooser wakes up. So by whatever choice, the chooser is there. Unavoidable. You cannot avoid to wake up. As you cannot avoid to realize yourself. As the realization is here and now. And the wanting to make it un, undoing it, getting out of it – it is called me. It’s a seeker who wants to avoid himself. Who is looking for a way out. Always looking for an exit.

And I am sitting here as a doorman and say – no way out. No way out for you. Because as you are That what is, you cannot leave what you are. As this is, this moment as absolute as it is – one absolute realization, out of infinite aspects of what you are. And you cannot leave That what is, your realization. As you are That what is the realization.

And to be That what is, what is the realization – as the I of the I, the I-am of the I-am, and the I-am-the-world of the I-am-the-world, always the essence as That what is heart. Simply realizing itself as I-am-the-world. But it’s still That what is heart. And there is no second heart. As there is no second edition of existence. You are that existence itself. And you cannot leave it.

And as you are that absolute source, as being That what is the Self, you cannot escape that realization of yourself. No exit. And no hope, ever finding one. As that what you may say, this death of this body for what you are is simply like having another cup of coffee. As this nothing special. Because as you are beyond already that what you can experience, that experience of death is already happened. But you still are. The same with birth, as you are prior to birth, the experience of being born is simply another moment or another in your infinite nature. And the death will be the same. So here and now only what can die is the idea of death, by seeing nothing is ever born and nothing will ever die.

So that’s why I ask you first – find if it all someone is born. And by not finding anyone in any circumstance, who is born, you are prior to that idea. So being prior to that idea of being born, you are simply That what is the source of that idea. But That what you are you cannot imagine. So whatever you imagine as being born, or whatever kind of experience, is always second and dream-like. But cannot make or unmake you.

So, what matters? If you can’t find matter. What matters?

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