This world is meant only for creating faith in you

Ramana Maharshi: Practice with faith during the period of ignorance is called bhakti; the same, with knowledge is called jnana. Of the two divisions of bhakti, the one is worship of God with name and form, and the other is karma which is love shown (equally) in all worldly affairs. Of the two divisions of jnana, the practice of the true way shown by the Master is called yoga and the resulting state is called jnana.

It is natural for all to believe in something which is not seen and then to find it. Those who do not believe, can never find. Therefore, the believers will gain some time and the non-believers never.

You can believe at least for the simple reason that faith in God is not harmful. Thereby you become eligible for good to befall you. This world is meant only for creating faith in you. This is the purpose of creation. Have faith. You can reach God.

Though you may not believe all that is said of God, believe at least “There is God.” This seed is very potent in its growth. That seed has such great might that you will not see anything but God – you will not see even yourself. Truly, God is all.

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