Unusual behavior of Swamiji


The ways of the Siddhas are always a mystery. Our Sheshadri Swami was no exception. Many of his actions and behavior were out of the normal and unexplainable, ununderstandable. Anyone seeing him do such things would brand him as a mad man. Maybe he was seeing so many astral beings that could not be seen by us and he was signaling them or conversing or playing with them.

He was always active. Even when he was sitting comfortably his hands would be active, moving things or playing with them. While sitting he would rub his palms or backside of the hands repeatedly and close his eyes with his palms. He would keep his hands at his waist and go front and back as though he doing a dance routine or hula hoop.

He would never be in one position for sometime. Suddenly he would change direction and sit facing another direction. While sitting he would suddenly jump forward and backwards with the help of his hands. All of a sudden he would look up to the sky and stand up leaning against a pillar. He would then move from pillar to pillar. He would stand with his back to it holding the pillar with hands extended behind him. This he might do 50 times or more frequently looking up the sky.

He would suddenly burst into a fit of laughter for five or ten minutes and people around him would also be so infected with his laughter that they would join even without knowing the reason.

He would run after and chase little animals like cat or a squirrel and, when they vanish, spend an hour trying to locate them.

He would remove all stones and pebbles one by one with his hands in the streets and make them clean.

If a horse cart or ox cart drives by he would jump on to it and hitch a ride. He would not mind even it was a garbage cart.

He would enter any hotel or tea stall or sweetmeat stall, or even cloth store or general merchandise store and throw things about on the floor. He would sit at the cashier’s table and play with coins. No one would object because they knew that later they would be not only compensated for the loss but will also be immensely benefited by this playfulness.

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