Karl Renz

Void means simply there is no second

Question: So there is nothing to be done here. Because either that will happen or something else will happen anyway. Like it all happening.

Karl Renz: You can say – there is an energy like a cluster of energetic informations who try to keep their form. That is like – this cup is like a cluster of energy who builds this cup like an information system, and there is resistance to break. But there will be an outside event which breaks the cup. That’s all. But the cup cannot be prepared for that. That is the same with the cluster. Information system of like a cup who tries to keep this form. Like an ego who keeps this form of information system as I. This is like an identification – “me”. Conglomeration of I-s and ideas.

And then comes the higher, like they call it grace which breaks that cup. So there has to be like another up, if you can call it higher force, a bigger force who breaks that system. But… And that is called like the cup can be put this head in the tiger’s mouth forever – nothing will happen. So you are putting it into your tiger’s mouth or not, if the tiger is not awake, nothing happens. But when the tiger wakes up, this is in spite of the cup, in spite of the cluster of ideas, which is cosmic consciousness like Shiva. Then in spite of your preparation it breaks you or drops you, whatever you like to call it. So it’s in spite of what the cup or an information system has done before.

So it may happen or not. But as long as that whatever the cup is trying to do or the ego system is trying to survive.

Even by meditating you try to avoid that void which breaks you. Because in the void there is no cluster possible, there is no information system of any kind of me possible. Because void means simply there is no second. And without a second there is no cluster. A cluster is only when there is a second, there is two. Otherwise there is no cluster. And a cluster like an ego needs a second. It needs that. Without that it cannot exist.

So by whatever he is doing, he is avoiding the void. And this is nature. You cannot even blame it. The nature of all information systems and form – to survive. So what to do.

But as a meditator you simply think by your doing you can break yourself. It’s like an idea. It’s like an idea tries to break Life. All saints even – how can a cup realize the cup. How can an idea realize the idea. As the idea already is part of realization. It cannot realize that what is origin of the idea. So all that ideas cannot help themselves. And that what is the Self doesn’t need to be helped, doesn’t need any help to be the Self. So there is no winning situation.

So that what is already the Self doesn’t need to be helped and that what needs help cannot help itself. Zero-Zero. Nothing happens. That whatever information system now imagines to be enlightened is an enlightened cluster. The star is born. An enlightened star.

Question: Yeah, why not. Maybe it feels better.

Karl Renz: Yeah, sounds good. For who? For the cluster?

Question: For the I.

Karl Renz: Then the cluster has to survive as an enlightened cluster. And even fearing not to be enlightened anymore. In spite of being enlightened.

Question: The fear that you can fall out again.

Karl Renz: That you can drop again what you gained. What a bloody enlightenment. That is called – enlightenment is a decease. You are still in that decease of that you can lose something, your bloody enlightenment. So fear doesn’t stop there. So even enlightened one fears. Not to be enlightened and doubting it. Because even enlightenment can be doubted. Then you don’t have to move anymore. You know all that – “Don’t move”. Polish this purl you found.

You have to nurse it all the time. What an idea. Enlightenment has to be maintained. It’s like a motorbike. Otherwise it doesn’t run anymore. No one believes you that you are enlightened any more, if you don’t maintain enlightenment.

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