What is going on here?

Question: What is going on here in general? What is happening here?

Karl Renz: Nothing I think. Nothing happens here. Nothing ever happened. That is good. That is the absolute happening that nothing ever happens. Absolute non-happening. So you should be happy because nothing ever happened. As a person it’s really every moment is a horror show, really like a zombyland everywhere. Everywhere is the walking of the death. Dead men walking. Dead corpses talking. Death dancing. That is what you experience. Because Life you can never experience. You can only experience a death. There is never any Life experience.

Question: But who is experiencing death?

Karl Renz: Life experiencing itself as death. As a body, as an universe, as whatever. It’s all a dead experience. Because Life cannot be experienced. But Life cannot otherwise dreaming itself or experiencing itself as death, as empty, as phenomenal. The nomenal Life, That what is nomenal can only experience yourself as phenomenal. There is no difference in it but the phenomenal experiences are not that what is a nomenal. So that’s why it’s all dreamlike. You call it real or unreal. Even that is as real as you but is not what you are.

Question: Is it the same when you say shiva and shakti? It is nomenal and phenomenal.

Karl Renz: You can say it. The absolute potential and then the expression of the absolute potential expresses itself as shakti. You can say it if you keep you busy. I can agree now with you and in ten minutes I…

No it’s like if you have a big puzzle in front of you. And you are the biggest puzzler on earth. The whole universe is your puzzle and you put all the puzzles together. One day is nearly perfect. But something is missing. It’ s always something is missing. You know what is missing the puzzler has to be part of the puzzle. You have to disappear into the puzzle. Then the puzzle is absolute. But you always forget the puzzler. And only with the puzzler being part of the puzzle which is not different from the puzzle you are complete and absolute. But if you are outside of the puzzle and you become like a controlling god and a creator and you are perfect in all of that but it’s always one piece missing. There is peace missing. And only when you are part of the absolute puzzle then peace is complete and absolute. So you have to disappear into the puzzle you are. Then you are not puzzled anymore. Then you don’t need to put the right puzzle and the right way and the right concept there. You just disappear into the puzzle and the puzzle is complete or incomplete you don’t care anymore. It’s so simple.

And every night you do that. You are an expert in it. The moment you fall asleep you disappear into the absolute puzzle.

And every morning the puzzler wakes up and being different from the puzzle. And then you work your ass off and try to find all the puzzle, fitting together your life and this concept there… And at night you are so tired, going back and disappearing into the puzzle. It doesn’t mean this is gone. You just disappear into the puzzle and in the morning the puzzler wakes up. Then he is puzzled enough again. And trying. What was it? Yesterday it was so clear.

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