What is your preference?

Question: Yes, nothing works. Because wherever I stay, the mind is always suffering or screaming, or not happy with anything.

Karl Renz: That is the nature of the mind.  It always creates – the other shore is better than this shore. This shore is greener than this one. It’s like you make it always – the other side is better than there. If you reach the other side, then you look back and then you think – Oh, it was not so bad before on the other side, so I better go back. You are always restless. That’s called mind. But what to do with it. It’s just the nature of restless phantom, always looking for something was better – advantage, advantage, advantage. And never can stop. So you have to be inspite of that phantom. Because the phantom will always be restless. There will be no final destination, final home or anything.

Always restless. So no rest anywhere. So you have to get used, that you can never rest anywhere. There is no rest for you. What you are doesn’t need to rest. So what is then your absolute preference? What would be your absolute preference? One who needs to rest but cannot find rest, or That what never needs to rest at all? You have no choice, but… What would you like more? What is more attractive? One who is always restless and never finding rest, and always mind-fucking, and trying, or That what is always not needing anything. What is more attractive? What would you say?

So what am I trying here to do? Maybe I try to make you a junky for That what never needs any drug to be stoned. That what is always drunken without drinking. And that little one who needs always something to be is never drunk enough. What is your preference?

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