
Question: So, in you there’s a fulfillment experience that is not depending on anyone or anything?

Karl Renz: No. I’m absolutely happy that I don’t have to be happy to be what I am. I absolutely enjoy that I don’t have to enjoy to be what I am. I don’t need joy, that is the nature of joy. Whatever peace can be experienced – peace-off. To be that what never needs any peace to be what-it-is. So, peace-off or joy-off or do whatever, consciousness.

What-you-cannot-not-be, you are in any given dream or not-dream, call it whatever. That is absolutely in spite of all whatever you can imagine or not imagine. When you want to become it, it is hell. When you are it, it’s neither hell nor heaven. But the moment you want to become it, you fuck yourself so deep and it hurts so much. This longing for That, by trying to become what-you-are, it’s such a fucking hell for every fucking moment when you are not what-you-are. You are punished by that, just by trying to become what-you-are. In trying to know yourself, you make it a relative object of whatever can be known. That is already a punishment.

You don’t need any God. You don’t need any devil to punish you. You punish yourself and only you can punish yourself so deeply and so profoundly as no one else can punish you. That is the original sin, when God knows God. He becomes a sinner because then he becomes a doer, a creator and from there on he wants to justify what he has not done. That is judgment day, always trying to justify what he has not done, but he claims to have done.

That is the little doer bullshit that wakes up in the morning and asks himself what did I do yesterday or what I should have done.  It depends on me whether the world is a heaven and hell and I do all the good deeds. Always having this moral and ethical standpoint. All this fucking around with all you have to be, all this religion is made out of hell. Only the devil takes care about this planet.

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