Whatever comes next

Karl Renz: So I am talking to the master. And not to anyone needs something. And for me, you are complete as you are. You cannot get more or less as you are. And not any relative knowledge or any insight, anything can ever add anything to what you are. But nothing can be taken away from you too. That comes together. So you cannot get less. And as you are the Absolute complete, this is what you are. You cannot escape yourself. You will always realize yourself in the next moment. In the Presence.

So even the Presence you cannot escape, as the Absence. It’s like two faces of what you are. The Presence face and the Absence face. But what you are has no face. And no concept of all. So how can I know that? So I turned it around – how can I not know that? How can I not be? Maybe you tried all, what you can do, not to be. But you failed. As you are even in not-being you are. Imagine.

So if you don’t even have to experience being to be. Imagining. So what can it bring you? The next. What can it take it away? As all the moments before. Did anything make you more? Did it make you more or less? No. Absolutely not. You are always That. Complete as you are the baby, and before. Totally complete in Yourself. Uninterrupted. And I can only point to That. But no one can give it to you. And no one can take it away.

So be it. That what you cannot not be. That’s all. And that is laziness. That is why all these, whoever says – what to do. They all tried it before. Everything too. They came to the point, whatever they tried – didn’t work. Absolute failure. Even Buddha tried all whatever can be done, by trying to stop the suffering of humanity and all. And he failed in all ways. And all the words, he preached, were empty. And no one ever learned anything. So he was in a total point of zero. So what to do.

And that is what you are. The total failure. You cannot not be what you are. As you are what you are – this will be there. Whatever comes next. So what?

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