Karl Renz


Karl Renz: There is an unpronounced yes. Just the silence agreed. There is a total agreement of what you are. You agree to everything. Yes. Even if I would read the telephone book. Yes, yes. It’s not what I say. For sure not.

Question: And yes, it’s in spite of what you mind.

Karl Renz: Yeah. I am just talking to keep the mind busy that some whatever is there. So I take over your mind. Because I don’t mind. And then you can be what you are. And that is always yes.

Question: That is always yes.

Karl Renz: Ok. Yes. Yes. Not even pronounced. It’s just yes. So the most silent agreement. But agreement to yourself. And that… there is peace. Because there is peace, there is yes. Because there is doubtlessness of being. And in doubtlessness there is peace and there is yes. So you agreed to your existence. And then there is peace.

Normally you don’t agree with how you are and what happens. Because you are a seeker and you want to go out of this. And then there is no agreement. And I by talking to you and taking over that doubtful tra-la-la, there is sudden agreement. Unexpected. Then you don’t know… what. And there is doubtlessness. But the problem is no one can take it with him. Because this ownership thing steps in again. And then that owner wants even to own that doubtlessness of Existence. My doubtlessness.

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