Karl Renz

You are still the nakedness itself

Karl Renz: Again and again, I point out that, no moment of understanding, by whatever insight, by the highest knowledge, can you get it, by whatever. Forget it.

It is like, in the Mahabharata, when Yudhisthira went with Krishna to hell. It is hell for the mind to see that there is no way out. And then there is the question from Krishna, “Сan you take it, can you be in the misery, for whatever you imagine of time, for eternity? Is there any wish of avoidance left in what you are?”

And then there was simply a total resignation of that which cares. “Whatever. Let it be, as it is.” Then suddenly, there was no hell, no Krishna, no Yudhisthira – there was nothing left. There was simply the Absolute itself, without any avoidance, as absolute blankness of ideas of what it is and what it is not. This is a direct pointer to the absolute acceptance, that which cannot be done.

Emptiness of Heart is suddenly there, it is not by any doing or not doing, nor by understanding, or by anyone who understood or not. It’s a total absence of understanding, a total absence of freedom. It is the total absence or emptiness of Heart which can contain That which is absolute existence. You are naked here and now, and you don’t have to undress for it. You are totally empty. Whatever ideas come in the morning , there were not there before. So you are prior to these ideas, which come as a dressing. You are, in spite of ideas and concepts, never because. So whatever comes with the idea of “me” in the morning, whatever understanding or not understanding, is fleeting. It cannot add something to what you are.

You dress in the morning and undress at night. It’s infinite. But you are still the nakedness itself that was never dressed by anything. So simply be the nakedness. It’s very simple. Stay in the nakedness. In the morning, when you get dressed you say, “Okay. Hello and Goodbye.” Absolute goodbye and absolute hello. Every night you say, “If I don’t see you tomorrow morning, it was very nice to meet you.” And then the next morning you say, “Ah, hello, it’s you again. Okay.”

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