Karl Renz

You are the master of the masters

Question: They say – surrender.

Karl Renz: Yeah, you have to surrender.

Question: How do you do that?

Karl Renz: How? It’s not how. Just by being what you are, you surrender any idea of what you are. Just by being what you are. It’s very easy. Every night you surrender in deep-deep sleep to yourself. And you surrender the whole body, the whole world. Without surrendering you cannot fall asleep. It’s an absolute surrendering, because you don’t know if you wake up again. You think you wake up again. Because yesterday you woke up, and the day before. But you cannot be sure that you wake up the next morning.

You never know what happens. In deep-deep sleep. Maybe whatever. You can imagine. Some cannot sleep anymore. Because they imagine maybe what can happen. Someone comes and bum and buff. Maybe I will not wake up anymore so I have to stay awake.

So surrendering is you can surrender now what you do every night. You surrender the surrenderer. Because what you believe as a surrenderer cannot do that. Because the surrenderer gets surrendered every night in the surrendering of what you are. Just dropping the presence. The presence dropped or that what you are turning to the absence. So you are master of surrendering. Everyone here surrenders every night. You are the master of the masters. And no one can teach you that. No one has to teach you that.

But you try the meditation to surrender. But you meditate as a meditator. You meditate on some advantage. Because you think there is an advantage of absence. Then you make even the absence advantage. So the me lives from advantage and disadvantage.  But what you are has no disadvantage in disadvantage and no advantage in advantage. It is in spite of presence and absence.

So there is no better. There is no good or bad or anything. All of that only applies to the me who believes in the advantage as absence.

So the absolute advantage is that to be what you are, never needs, doesn’t know any advantage or disadvantage. So not knowing what you are. And not knowing what is advantage and disadvantage comes with it. There is the peace you are looking for. What you are longing for. But only to be what you are. The rest cannot give you anything. Then you are the master of it.

But the trap is always you fall in love. Every morning again, first sight. The first question – how am I? What to do first? Staying in bed or do I have to go to toilet first. You see caretaker starts instantly.

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